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" How did it went ? Did Minjun said something harsh ? Was he good ? Are you okay ?" The second Jimin entered the house Yoongi flooded him with all the questions bubbling in his head.

The fact that Yoongi was worried sick about him was clear from his voice.
The alpha even considered to follow him if not for Eunjae sticking by his side. He was just a step away from hiring a private detective to follow Jimin to make sure everything went okay.

" At least let me enter first." Jimin puts his hand on the alpha's chest, pushing him away from the doorway.

Once he was inside Yoongi got started with his questions again. He felt like a celebrity being interviewed about his love life.

Jimin rolled his eyes, listening to Yoongi asking him questions. The alpha would actually make a great rapper from the way he's shooting questions from his mouth right now.

" It went well." He finally says after being fed up with him.
Yoongi frowns at the answer, he wants fully detailed 10k explanation, not this three word sentence.

" Can you elaborate more ?" Yoongi asks, getting even more restless.
Jimin looked around to see if Eunjae was anywhere near him. He could use his help to escape this question session.

" Hyung, it was good. That's it." He finally stood up.
" Fine, I'll ask Minjun then." Yoongi says in a hope that Jimin would get jealous and spill out everything.

But the omega only smiles at him. He knows very well that the alpha wouldn't dare to do something like that.
" Good luck with that." With that he's running off into Yoongi's room, that's his room now. Making sure to lock the door behind, so the alpha wouldn't be able to enter.

Yoongi slumps down with a sigh. He should have taken Eunjae with him to spy on the two omegas. At least he would be this restless now. Maybe, he'll do that next time. He should keep his detective costume ready.


Yoongi was busy working when a delicious smell entered the room. It was so delicious that he wasn't able to stop himself and just went attracting towards it.

The smell dragged him into the kitchen where Eunjae and Jimin were standing, with an apron wrapped around their neck and mitten gloves worn in their hands.

" You always do fun things without me." He said pouting a little and then went to hug Eunjae. The boy put his mittens on Yoongi's face to squish his cheeks.

" I thought you were busy, so we didn't disturb you." Jimin reasoned, as he take off one of his mitten. His apron was now stained with flour and cookie mix.

" I'm never busy for my family." Yoongi says simply, not giving his words much thought. But it made Jimin's heart race when he regarded him as a family. His family.

" Family ?" He asks in his small voice, still not being able to process the word. The alpha consider them as a family ?
" Yeah. We're a family." Yoongi opens his arms and gestured Jimin to come join them in the hug.

The omega looked at him for sometime. Maybe if he was the same Jimin as before he'd have argued with Yoongi when he called them a family. But now all he felt was happiness and a certain warmth. He came crashing into the alpha's arms.

The warmth and comfort is real. So, this is what a family is. He finally gets to experience it. A family of his own.

" Oh, no. My cookies." He was so immersed in the moment that he almost forgot about his precious cookies that he spent the last few hours on.

He ran away from Yoongi's arms to hurriedly open the microwave and takes them out.

The delicious sweet smell made everyone's stomach grumble. Yoongi licked his lips on seeing the sweet delight, his hand moved on its own to take one, but Jimin swats it away.
" It's not for you."

" Then ?" The alpha looked so broken hearted over the fact. He just wanted to taste it.
" It's for Jungkook and Taehyung." Jimin giggled on seeing the older's cheek puffing up, he's behaving like Eunjae now.

" Atleast let me taste one." He tries desperately, but the omega has already made his mind.
" No." Jimin says sternly,  making Yoongi roll his eyes.

" Papa, can I take one ?" Eunjae comes in between, pushing his appa aside. He puts his hand on the kitchen counter and stared at Jimin with his doe eyes.
" Of course, my darling." Jimin ruffled Eunjae's hairs and puts one cookie in his hand.

The boy gave him a sweet kiss to thank him for the cookie.

" That's not fair. Why does Eunjae get to taste them but not me ?" Yoongi crosses his arms. That was so unjustified, he lost it to his own son. Wow!

" Because he's my baby." Jimin pinches Eunjae's cheeks that are stuffed with the cookie.
" And I'm that baby's dad." Yoongi whined, he's behaving like a little child now. And that too just for a cookie.
" Not convincing enough." Jimin giggles.

That comment made Yoongi more hurt. How can Jimin love Eunjae more than him. He basically contributed a lot towards him.

" How's that not convincing enough. If it wasn't for me Eunjae wouldn't be here today." Jimin decides to turn a blind eye to that comment. He pretended he never heard it.

" Yah ! I've contributed a lot. It was my sper-"
" HYUNG ! SHUT UP !" Jimin jumped to put his hand to the older's mouth. He can't believe Yoongi was about to say something so inappropriate in front of their son.

" You can't just say that in front of Eunjae. He's just a child." He says once Eunjae was finally away enough from them to hear their conversation.

Yoongi took Jimin's hand away from his mouth to speak again.
" I mean, what's the big deal. We'll have to tell him one day how he was created-"
Jimin was raging by now. His alpha is an idiot.
" Hyung, are you serious ? So, you gonna tell our child that you put your big dick in me and that's ho-" At this point he was just rambling and didn't care to listen what he was actually saying.

" Big dick, mmh." A big cocky grin sits on Yoongi's face that made Jimin cover his red face with his tiny hands because of the embarrassment. Fuck him and his nervous talking.

" It was just a slip of tongue." He peaked through his fingers to see the alpha still smirking at him.

" Ah please stop." He curls his hand into tiny fist and hit it against Yoongi's chest.
" But I didn't do anything ?" Jimin didn't replied after that and just went into the kitchen to pack the cookies he just made.

Yoongi just watched him fumble in embarrassment and let out silent laughter. The omega is so cute when he's flustered like that.

" I'll be back soon, then we can bake another one for you." Jimin tried to change the topic and it seemed to work too.
" Promise ?" Yoongi's face lit up on hearing that.
" Yes hyung. The dough is ready."

When the alpha was too busy dreaming about the cookies, Jimin saw it as the opportunity to slip through from there. But the alpha caught him in time.

" Let me come with you." He started wearing his shoes, ready to accompany Jimin.
" No, you and Eunjae should stay here. I'll go on my own." He stops the alpha from moving any further.

" But-" He have known Jungkook for years but he still thinks it's not good to let the omega go on his own.

" It's just 15 minute walk. I'll just give it to Taehyung and then come back." Jimin uses his eyes to convince Yoongi, and just like every other time, it worked.
" Fine." Taehyung would be there, so he wouldn't have to worry much about Jimin. He knows that Taehyung will protect Jimin from anything bad. So, he let him go.

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