48 - Missing Person

Start from the beginning

"Kie- hey Kie!" A familiar voice whisper shouted
"What Pope" I said turning to the side.

"What do you think happened to him?" He asked.
"I don't know, and why are you talking to me now we haven't talked in like weeks" I exclaimed

"Hey, hey what's going on here" Mr Bentley demanded

"Nothing" we both replied simultaneously.
9 days since JJ's disappearance:

Its been 9 days now and he still hasn't turned up, the police have started doing small searches for him and rumours are spreading rapidly.

Ethan, the kid that literally nobody knew before was now a very trending name in our grade. People are making assumptions that he's the one who killed him  considering he does seem like the type to be a serial killer, fanboy freak.

He's also been taken to the station for information on JJ, seeing as he was the last person to be seen with him. Pope and I have been taken once but that was only for some basic information, and they asked us if he would have any motives to running away or even possibly, suicide.

I know we had a falling out but I don't like the idea of him hanging off a branch somewhere or in the depths of the marsh.

I honestly don't know what happened to him but it's more then likely that he just ran away, I knew that he hated it here but would he really just leave Ethan... Or is this all some big plan?

12 days:

People are getting more and more worried, even I've started to become concerned. Is this my fault? Was I too harsh on him?

Maybe if we never had that argument then we'd be fine and JJ would still be here.

Did the bounty hunters somehow get on the island and taken him? Did he kill himself? Did Luke finally get to the point where he killed his own son? Did Barry get back at him?

There's lots of thing that could have happened but I've narrowed it down to four.

Luke's been called and people have been over to his house but there was no evidence of him anywhere, not like Luke would of been much help anyways. He probably doesn't give two flying fucks that his only child is missing.

{ Ethan POV }

My dad's been acting very shady- well more shady than usual- he's been going off to some dodgy place every night and the exact day JJ went missing be claims he wasn't in town. Coincident? I think not.

Suddenly the door burst open, causing me to jump out my skin.

"Fuck we gotta go!" He exclaimed, grabbing a bag and shoving stuff in.

"What? Why?" I asked

"They know about the boy" he replied hastily

"What bo- WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!??" I suddenly screamed

"Shut up and get packing!" he demanded
"First tell me if he's okay"

"Relax, your little boyfriends fine you faggot" he snapped

"He's not my boyfriend" I growled. At this point I don't even care what he does to me, I need to stop pussying around.

"Oh yeah?" He questioned in a threating tone

"Where is he and what did you do to him!?" I repeated

"None of your business"

"I'm gonna call the cops on you, you can't go round kidnapping pe-"

"NO YOU WILL NOT" he suddenly yelled, slamming me into the nearest wall.
"One more word and you'll wish you'd never been born" he hissed

"I already wish I'd never been born any-" I was cut off again by a punch to the cheek.

"Don't make me hit you again..." He seethed

I can't just flee the island with my dad, this is my home. I looked to the door then back at him again.

"Oh no you don't" he shouted, making a sudden grab for me as I bolted to the door.

"Ow shit, no please" I begged

It went on for what felt like hours, the repeated hitting and kicking.
I was rolled over on the floor, choking and spluttering when he finally stopped.

"That will teach you, don't cross me again"
"Hear me!?" He raised his voice.

"Yes-yes sir"

"Good, now get up and start packing" he said, yanking me up by the hood.

Sorry this is quite a short chapter, the next one will be longer.

Nearly there, Thankyou to the people who have actually read this far it means a lot to me and it's nearly over.

This ended up being way longer than I planned but that's because a lot of the chapters at the beginning had lots of extra detail and some irrelevant stuff too.

Did anyone like this chapter? I feel like it's one of my better ones.

-Lexi x

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