Chapter 26: Disguises

Start from the beginning

"It bothers me," Seiya said over the music. "How does he know about us? And Chaos? Why does it matter to him?"

"Who knows where he's been the past decade? He could've been watching us this whole time for all we know." The thought gave Usagi shivers, despite the warmth in the cab.

Coming to terms with the fact that Nephrite was behind the monster attacks was a difficult pill to swallow. Usagi had figured as much since her encounter with him at the ice rink auditorium, but it wasn't until now that they knew for certain. It pained her - he had not been the person he appeared to be in his final moments. Her heart ached for Naru, who appeared to have chosen a wolf in sheep's clothing after all.

His words reverberated in her mind. The look on his face haunted her. Fury. Regret. Revenge. Bitter that she hadn't attempted to save him.

What else could I have done? Of course, I would have tried to save him if I thought it was possible, but I was only fourteen years old! I hadn't been a guardian very long. And I didn't have the legendary silver crystal yet...

Being criticized as klutzy, and messy, Usagi Tsukino was one thing, but as the pretty guardian, Sailor Moon? Ouch.

Seiya seemed equally lost in her thoughts, so much so that the taxi driver had to inform them twice that they had reached their destination before they registered his words. After paying, Seiya ushered Usagi inside the building. They entered the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor. Jazzy music flowed from the speakers above, filling the small space.

"Maybe we should visit Umino," Usagi suggested. "He's Naru's boyfriend. Or at least, he used to be. He might know something."

"That's a good idea, Bun Head. Do you have his number?"

"I'll look it up in the phone book."

Ding! The elevator doors slid open as they reached their floor. Seiya and Usagi stepped out, oblivious to the ambush awaiting them just down the hallway.

"There he is!" a girl exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh, Chieko, you were right! It's Seiya Kou!"

"I told you!"

Usagi froze like a deer caught in headlights. Three teenage girls brandishing cameras were sprinting right for them. 

It was enough to jolt Seiya into action. She snatched Usagi's hand, and together they made a mad dash back toward the elevator. At the last moment, Seiya's arm thrust forward to prevent the doors from closing, and they practically tumbled inside. Seiya jammed every button she could, praying that the doors would shut before the fangirls caught up.

Luck was on their side. They made it just in time. But as the elevator began descending, they heard, "He's headed for the first floor, girls! C'mon, let's take the stairs!"

Usagi looked at Seiya with growing alarm. Seiya pressed more buttons, but it was too late. The stubborn elevator was set for the first floor, whether they liked it or not. Depending on how quickly the girls ran down the stairs, there was a good chance they would be waiting when the elevator doors opened.

In an instant, Usagi feared the worst - pictures being sold to a magazine, her and Seiya's faces splashed on the front page. Just in! The Three Lights' lead singer, Seiya Kou is living on the west side of town with a married woman! How scandalous!

"What do we do?" Usagi panicked.

"Ignore them and keep your head down."

Before Usagi could reply, the elevator slowed to a stop and the doors slid apart. Usagi cautiously poked her head out to inspect the hall. The coast was clear. She reached for the button marked number "8", but as soon as she pressed it, Seiya pulled her out of the elevator. The doors snapped shut, leaving them stranded in the hallway.

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