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Inside one of the entertainers wagons Kaz, Inej, Jesper, and Arken sit around a small table discussing their plan to capture the Phoenix and Sun Summoner during the party without being caught.

"Are you sure it was her?" Kaz asks Jesper. Jesper had just finished telling them, how he came across the Phoenix and Sun Summoner out on the grounds.

"I'm telling you she's Shu. They both are." Jesper nods.

"When exactly did you see them?" Kaz asks gripping the head of his cane tighter.

"Just after midday."

"What's in this room?" Inej asks pointing to a certain spot on the map.

"Fitting room...that's where I saw the Phoenix Summoner, and that's where they both will go to change for dinner."

"You saw her?" Inej asks her eyebrows furrowed. Kaz nods.

"So that's where we'll grab them?" Jesper said watching Inej and Kaz's interaction in confusion.

"Makes sense. Out of the way, clean lines of sight, easily controlled space. I like it." Jesper smirks.

"I'd like it too, if it had a door." Kaz states.

"It doesn't have a door?"

"Not one we can use. It was some type of Grisha lock. It took a Materialnik to open it."

"Is there a way to pick it." Jesper asks.

"Actually there is." Arken finally chimes in "the locking mechanism are Fabrikator design. Iron cogs that slide into place without a latch. But for one of us to open it, we'll need a lodestone."

"We'll it's not like we're just walking around with one of those in our pockets." Right as a Jesper says that Arken pulls his bag onto his lap and starts digging through. After a moment of searching he takes the stone out of the bag and displays it to the crows.

"You don't want to keep it in your pocket to long." Arken chuckles extending it to Jesper.

"Not if your intending on having children one day." Jesper pushes himself away from Arken and the stone giving him an exasperated look.

"Alright. Arken grabs the target then." Kaz states. Inej shoots Kaz an incredulous look.

"You want the new guy to grab the million-kruge package? Our future depends on this." Inej reasons.

"The rest of us are setting up a lynx flush." Kaz declares giving a knowing look to his team.

"We are?" Inej questions.

"What's a lynx flush?" Asks Arken.

"Lynx are pack hunters. Very smart." Inej explains. "They'll clear a path for the prey."

"Oh, so I grab the Summoners...and you'll clear a path?"

"That's right. We do it before dinner. You grab. Inej and I clear, and Jesper makes sure there's a fast way out." Everyone nods at the plan an Jesper and Arken exit the carriage leaving Inej and Kaz.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Inej asks as Kaz stands. He shoots her a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"You told me before we left Ketterdam that there was no possible way it could be who you thought it was. But I saw your face when you spoke about her."

"What are you trying to say Inej?"

"You're always scolding us about distracting but what I'm trying to say is, is that when it comes to it can you hold up your part of the plan and not get distracted?"

Kaz looks away from Inej knowing she has a point. When he first took the job he didn't think it could actually be Anya. But seeing her earlier just proved how wrong he was and how much harder this will actually be.

"What I feel doesn't matter. All that matters is getting the million kruge." He says before stepping out of the carriage. Inej sighs to herself knowing this is going to be a lot harder than they thought.

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