"We should start sitting down, I can hear people outside." She nodded and we both made our way over to the table and watched as everyone came in and greeted us. We smiled and waved at all those who passed by our table. My parents along with Laurens took their seats at our table and when everyone was seated, it was speech time. Dinah and Camila were the first ones to come up and speak and by now I was nervous of Dinah revealing embarrassing childhood memories.

"Well look, my Bestfriend is married isn't that something. Well Y/N what can I say? You're basically my sister. We grew up together in the smallest neighborhood and grew to be the best of friends. I just want to thank you for all the wonderful things you've done for me and my family, you have such a big heart and it's hard to miss what nice and what a genuine person you are. Camila and I have grown to see how you both have evolved around each other and how you both have brought the best out of each other. You two are meant for each other and that honestly makes me so happy to hear both of your stories to know you both coming from harsh backgrounds but finally coming to a happy ending. We wish you the best of luck and for all the love in the world to surround the both of you. Congratulations and we love you both."

Dinah was in full blown tears and handed the microphone down to Chelsea, Normani, and Ally. I knew that something funny was bound to come from Normani so I prepared myself, Chelsea took the opportunity to speak first and unfolded the paper in front of her. "My beloved friend. We've known each other for ten long years. I still remember the very first day we had met in elementary school and you were so shy and scared and sat alone at lunch with your little superman lunch box. I remember walking over to you and sitting down with you eating lunch, the very first thing you said to me was if I was lost. I laughed in your face because you were the cutest little kid but you taught me so much and I love you for that. Thank you for the love and support you've given me for ten long years and for the unconditional knowledge you gave me when my head seemed to have been in the clouds."

Chelsea passed the microphone down to Ally and I could already see her teary eyes from here. "Y/N and Lauren. What can I say, I've known Y/N for about three years but we never really spoke as friends but all that changed a year ago when we all sat in that diner and had the best day of our lives. I've grown fond of you both and have grown to see the love you both share for each other. There's no denying that faith has brought you two together. I hope one day we will all look back on our troubled, happy, and sad days and just rejoice in the fact that we all made it, especially you two. Y'all I know you all know this but Y/N and Lauren have gone through some pretty messy situations but look at them now, happy and married. I wish you both the best, I love you guys."

Ally wiped away the tears and took a seat next to her husband Troy and waited for Normani to speak up. "Lauren! Y/N! My two favorite people! I'm glad to have ventured on this wonderful journey with you both and to have had the pleasure of knowing you both on a whole other level. Y/N, Dinah, and I were always together except when Dinah and I got sent to an all girls camp for a few months. We felt so incomplete without Y/N, I remember that day like it was yesterday. We had called Y/M to come rescue us from the camp and she took her grandmothers car and drove it four hours to the camp." The room had broken out into laughter. "She was only fifteen but gosh did we love her for doing that. When I had my Beyoncé concert five months ago, my car had broken down and I was so upset because I was already running late, everyone that day was busy as can be but I called Lauren and she drove me to the concert and waiting the full two hours outside until it finished. I was so grateful for that, she saved me that day. We all have had the best memories but the smallest ones are the ones we will never forget. I love you guys and congrats."

Normani sat down and now it was my turn to give a speech for Lauren. I walked up to the stage and grabbed the microphone. "Good evening everyone, I just want to say a few words to my lovely wife over there. I know things have been rough for us these past two years but we've made it so far and I am honestly so grateful to have come down those stairs that very first day you had moved in just a few houses down. You honestly turned my world upside down from the moment I first laid eyes on you but it was crazy. I never would have imagined myself standing here now pouring my heart out to you on our wedding day. Lauren I love you so so much, you honestly mean the absolute world to me. You have honestly been there for me through every thing I've ever needed, you took care of me when I couldn't even walk on my own two feet. You sat by my bed when I hurt, if would've been any other person they would've been gone by now but not you, no not you. If I had the chance to go through everything I've been through again, I would. Id do it for you because I'll always love you. By now your name is engraved in my very soul and your name runs through my veins just like the blood within them. You are my person Lauren Jauregui and I'm so happy that I found you when I did because if not, I would've been the same insecure college kid I was two years ago, but you found me and you brought out the best in me. I love you Lauren forever and always."

By now I was in complete tears and watched as Lauren got out of her chair and ran half way over to me and ran into my open arms. She kept repeating in my ear how much she loved me but I just simply closed my eyes and took in her scent forever having it memorized in my mind. I love this woman with all my might and I wasn't letting go. By the time all the speeches were done, the first song started to play and it was Laurens and Mikes first dance. I sat back and watched as a smile was plastered on my face.

Shortly after it was our first dance as a married couple. I walked up to Lauren and wrapped my arms around her waist as she hung her arms around my neck. We stared into each other's eyes as the music played on and on not caring about a single thing in the world. When the song had ended we both leaned in and planted a soft kiss on each other's lips.

The rest of the night played out like it was supposed to, people dancing and getting wasted off of their asses but overall it was the most fun I've had in a long time and I got to do it with my friends and family and with my lovely wife. I was actually happy. We both went to bed with a new feeling upon us, a new step in our lives ready to be experienced and learned. We would go through the future challenges in life together and we were both greatly happy with just the simplest thought of that.


A/N: YASSS you're married to Lauren Jauregui, did you all come out to have a good time but are feeling attacked right now? Lmao I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Only five more chapters left :(


Lauren/you - Lost and Insecure, You found meWhere stories live. Discover now