Finally you are mine🌶💕

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Warning: This story contains sexual things. So if you aren't comfortable with such a context then I suggest for you not to read it anymore and read some other story. Also this is my first smut to write so don't be too jugemental. Thanks, love you all.

Y/F/F - your favourite food

You and Damiano have been together for a while now and you still haven't been intimate. You are slightly scared, but you really love Damiano. And you are thankful for Dami for waiting for you to be ready. You know that Damiano really wants to be intimate with you and you feel like you are ready now.

School finished and Dami asked you to come to his place. You opened the door and you saw that Damiano has decorated the whole living room with rose petals and candles. You put your bag down and look around the living room with really amazed look. Then Damiano comes out of nowhere

Dami: Mia principessa, you are finally home.
Y/N: Did you do it?
Dami: Of couse me, who else?
Y/N: That is so romantic.
Dami: Well, that was my plan. For it to be romantic.

You went closer to Damiano. You put your hand around his neck and kiss him on the lips. Between kisses you say

Y/N: Dami, I think Im ready.
Dami: Ready for what principessa?
Y/N: I think you know pretty well.
Dami: Are you sure? I mean I do want it, but i don't wanna...
Y/N: Yes Dami, Im sure.

Dami picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. Rose petals were all over the bedroom too. And you looked at Damiano.

Dami: What? I had too much rose petals so I decorated the bedroom too.
Y/N: Just shut up and kiss me!

And Dami kissed you with great passion. The kiss was kind of rough, but you didn't mind at all. You love Dami and you wanna be his in every way. Dami started kissing your neck and he found your sweet spot, which made you moan

Y/N: AAh Dami!
Dami: Principessa, I haven't even started yet.

He kissed down your neck and started to unbutton your shirt. Dami kissed down your stomach and started to remove your skirt. You really needed him.

Y/N: Dami!
Dami: No principessa! Im making you feel loved and that takes some time. Plus you need to learn about patience.

He kissed your thighs, again your stomach and again your lips. You tried to pull Dami's shirt over his head, but he stopped you and pulled it off himself. He then took off his jeans leaving you both only in your underwear. He slowly unhooked you bra and kissed you breasts. Once again he kissed his way down your stomach. He stopped for a moment to look at you. He asked for your permission to take off you panties. You gave him a nod. He took off your panties and rubbed his thumb over your heat. You whimper a little.

Dami: Baby girl, are you really this wet for me?
Y/N: Yes Dami, Only for you!

He then took off his boxers revealing his already hard member. You looked at his member with shocked eyes, but he promised you that he will be slow with you. He then looked into your eyes and asked for one last time

Dami: Are you really sure about this?
Y/N: Im more sure then I have ever been.

Dami took a condom from a cabinet and put it on. And he slid into you. Although he was pretty big you didn't feel any pain. Only pleasure. Dami enjoyed his time with you, cause he was going slow, admiring you. But you wanted for him to move faster.

Y/N: Dami, move faster!
Dami: Oh, look who is needy now?
Y/N: Don't tease me and move faster!
Dami: Like principessa wants.

He started to move faster and faster. You were a moaning mess. You felt a tingly feeling in your stomach and you knew you were close.

Y/N: Dami, im.... im...
Dami: I know, I know. Wait a little bit, im close too.
Y/N: Dami, I really need to!
Dami: Let go principessa. Let go!

You both released together, Dami pulled out and got next to you. He pulled you closer and looked at you. In his eyes you were perfect in every way. And especially now, cause nobody else can see you like that.

Dami: How do you feel? Did I hurt you?
Y/N: Dami, it was amazing. And no, you didn't hurt me at all.
Dami: Not even when I got rougher?
Y/N: No Dami. I loved it. It was perfect. Ti amo.
Dami: Ti amo. So you wanna do it again in the future?
Y/N: Yes, definitly! But right now I just wanna cuddle with my amazing boyfriend, cause Im a little tired.
Dami: What boyfriend? I thought that you are single? ( he said obviosly joking )
Y/N: Oh, shut up! You know very well that you are my amazing boyfriend. ( you said and you hit his chest playfully )
Dami: Of course I am. Cause Im the only one that made you scream like that.
Y/N: You such a dirty minded boy!
Dami: Your dirty minded boy. Ti amo.
Y/N: Ti amo, my dirty minded boy.

For the rest of the night you cuddled and enjoyed the quality time with each other. Dami ordered some Y/F/F and you watched movies. What a perfect night with such an amazing boyfriend?

Hey guys!

That was a request and I hope I did it like you wanted it to be.
And that everyone liked it.
Like I already said it is my first smut to write so don't judge me.
Requests are still open!
Lots of love

Damiano David imagines🥺Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz