Fans reaction and the band meeting a baby💕

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Damiano's pov:

I didn't care what the fans thought that night. That night was only all about us. Everything was okey and we got out of the hospital two days later. There were a few fans that spotted us, but they didn't bother us, only smiled.

When we got home and Y/N and Y/B/N were sleeping i opened instagram for the first time in two days.

Fan1: Omg, guys, thats so great news. Love you all.
Fan2: Congratulations. I hope the best for you.
Fan3: What's the name? I already know that the baby is cute.
Fan4: How is Y/N feeling? Lots of love

There were some haters too, but im not letting Y/N see that. I quickly write to the band that they can visit us tomorrow and they agreed. I went to sleep too. Im soo happy to have them in my life.

Y/B/N started crying and Y/N woke up, but i told her that i will take care of Y/B/N. Baby sleeps in the same room so it wasn't far away. I go and pick him/her up and take him/her to Y/N to see if he/she is hungry. Y/B/N ate a little bit and then started crying again. So i started singing for him/her. Its Y/N favorite song that i sing when she can't sleep and i thought that baby will love it too. Y/B/N fell asleep quickly. I get back into bed and pull Y/N closer to me. And i fell asleep too.

I wake up and Y/N isn't in my arms anymore. I look around the bedroom, but she isn't here. I go downstairs and see her feeding our baby.

Dami: Good morning!
Y/N: Good morning! How did you sleep?
Dami: I slept pretty okey. What about you?
Y/N: Yeah, i slept oke too.
Dami: Oh, i asked the band to come here today, is it oke?
Y/N: Yeah, sure. But we have to clean up a little bit then.
Dami: I'll do it!

A few hours later:

I cleaned up the house and everything looks normal enough. The bell rang and I went to open it.

Vic: Hey! Should i be quiet?
Dami: Well you don't have to whisper but don't yell either.
Ethan: Maybe you'll let us in.
Dami: Oh yeah sorry.

We go inside and got to the living room. Y/N is there with Y/B/N. Y/N gave baby to me and she hugged everyone.

Vic: Oh here is my present.
Ethan: Mine too.
Thomas: I hope you'll like it.
Vic: Look, so tiny baby.
Thomas: Y/B/N, right?
Y/N: Yeah, i chose it.
Ethan: A beautiful name for a beautiful baby.
Y/N and Dami: Thanks you
Vic: How hard it was to give birth?
Y/N: I mean it wasn't easy, its a David here.
Vic: Hahaha, true. But i think it was worth it.
Y/N: Definitely, I've never loved someone like i love Y/B/N.
Dami: Hey?!
Y/N: You are close second hahaha.

The whole evening went well. Y/B/N got many presents, but he/she was sleeping the whole time. The band left and im sitting on a couch/sofa and hold sleeping Y/B/N.

Dami: Remember when i told you through your mommy's stomach that i haven't met you yet but ti voglio bene. Now that i have met you ti voglio bene even more. Thank you for choosing me to be your dad. Sleep tight my Y/B/N.

Hey loves!
I literally was crying while writing it.
Someone suggested to do it so i hope you liked it. And i hope you all liked it.
Request are open so give me ideas.
Lots of love 🤍

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