He has nightmare

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N/H - nearest hospital

Damiano's dream:
"Oke I will go to store, I'll be back in an hour" - Y/N yelled. "Alright, be safe!" - I yelled back.

An hour has passed and she isn't home yet. Maybe she wanted to go to some other stores too. I was worried a little, but everything changed when i got a phone call.

Doctor: Hello! Am i talking to Damiano?
Dami: Yes, thats me. Who am i talking to?
Doctor: Im doctor from N/H. And i have to inform you that Y/N has been in a car accident.
My heart dropped. My Y/N. How?
Dami: Im coming to N/H now.

I get into a car and drive as fast as possible, but i dont want to crash too. When i get there i go to reception and ask where Y/N is.
Lady: She is in room 214
I basically run there. I open the door and what i see is my worst nightmare. She is pale, she has cuts all over her body. I go and sit by her side. I take her small pale hand in my big ones. And i start to pray.

I've been there for hours. I've cried, I've prayed. And then happened something that should have never happened. That machine that shows her heart beat, showed flat line.
Dami: Doctors! Come quickly! Her heart stopped!

Doctors came quickly in and they told me to go out of the room. After 20 minutes they came out. One doctor came to me and said.
Doctor: Im sorry to inform......
Dami: No, No, No, she can't be dead!
Doctor: Im really sorry, we tried our best.
Dami: Noooooooooo!

End of Damiano's dream

Damiano's pov:

I wake up panting. I look at my side and Y/N is still there. First thing that comes to mind is that if she is still alive. I check if she is breathing and then check if she has pulse. She wakes up at my sudden touch. She is rubbing her eyes and asks what's wrong. I just pull her into a hug and mumble "Please don't ever leave me. I don't have life without you." Y/N smiles and says "Im never gonna leave you. Did you have a bad dream?" I nod. She asked if i wanna talk about what happened but i shook my head. I just wanted to hold her as close as possible.

After sometime i say "I love you Y/N." She answered "I love you too Dami." And we fell asleep again.

Hey i hope you all liked it.
If anyone has requests then write me.
Lots of love 🧡

Damiano David imagines🥺Where stories live. Discover now