"I'm sorry George. I should have been able to take the bastard – "

"No one blames you Brendan." George said understandingly, "Estes has always been clever, he waited, biding his time until he had an opportunity. It's not your fault. Estes has fooled even the best of us at times."

10K could see in her face she was thinking back to the bombings four years ago, how Estes had concocted his scheme under her nose and pinned the guilt on Dante. Though the reminder seemed to calm Brendan as he realized George wouldn't harbor any resentment toward him for his mistake.

Then George took a deep breath and rested her hands on her hips, "Warren and Cooper are both on their way. Kaya was able to contact them at the farm and they'll be here as soon as they can. They're going to keep their eyes peeled in case they run into Estes."

"So what's our plan?" Dave asked.

"We're keeping Altura in lockdown. The other outposts have done the same. We'll keep as many guards as we need to hold the fort, the others we'll divide into search teams."

"I'll go." 10K volunteered and George gave him a nod and he felt Red's eyes on him but he didn't turn to her.

"I'll meet with the guards, assign who stays here for rotation shifts and who's going with 10K." Dave said and George agreed.

"I'll join you when Warren and Cooper get here, the three of us can –"

"No offense George but maybe you should stay here." Red spoke up once Brendan's head had stopped bleeding. Everyone turned to her but she didn't back down, "The last time Estes tried something he almost took over Altura and all of Newmerica. If you leave he might try that again. Might make up some lie like you abandoned everyone, or how you aren't a good leader. But if you're here, he can't do that and with you here odds are he won't try to attack this place again."

They all knew Red had a good point. Estes had been gunning to overthrow George since the group had first met her. She was a critical part of keeping Newmerica together, she couldn't go. George seemed to understand this and looked at the ground and shook her head clearly wishing she could be part of the action, maybe even catch Estes herself and bring him in.

"You're right." She finally said before biting her lip, "But you can't go either." Red opened her mouth to protest, "You're our only doctor, we can't risk you going out there."

She closed her mouth and looked a little mad George had turned her own logic against her but she nodded anyway in agreement. George dismissed them and - after she'd made sure Brendan was okay - Red jogged after 10K in the hall catching up and grabbing his elbow.

"You know Bailey won't like you going out there." Red said and he gave a deep breath. Deep down he knew she was right. Bailey, like Red and George, would want to go with him. She'd want to give Estes a swift kick in the groin like they all did and he'd go through hell talking her out of it.

"Any advice?" he asked.

Red smirked, "I'd stay far enough away that you're out of punching distance."


When he got home he was practically tackled by Bailey as she wrapped her arms around him. He had to pry her off him because her hug was so tight he was worried about the baby squished between them.

"Did they get him? Is he locked up again? Did anyone get hurt? How did he get out? Are they going to kill him this time?. . . What?"

"Take a deep breath." He said with a smile a little amused by her reaction and he waited for her to catch her breath, "Where's TJ?"

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