The girls all left at around 7:30 p.m. and now I have Beth all to myself.

"I missed you so much." I said and put my arms around her neck.

"I know babe. I missed you too." She said.

She leaned in to kiss me. Our lips connected and as I'm used to, they fit perfectly.

Her hands were around my waist and I felt her slowly dipping them down.

I disconnected our lips and connected mine to her neck.

I slowly kissed up and down from her jaw to her shoulder.

I could tell she was trying to suppress a moan.

She pulled me back up gently and kissed my lips again. I was really feeling things I didn't know existed.

Then she started kissing my neck and she has never done that before, but the gentle and sensual way of her doing that, made me feel almost too many things all at once.

Unlike her, I wasn't able to suppress my moan.

I could feel her lips turning to a smirk on my neck.

"Shut up." I moaned out as she continued her work.

She smiled again and I pulled her up again.

"As much as I would love to continue, you are still recovering from a surgery. So none of that till you've fully recovered." I said.

"Are you serious?" Beth groaned.

"Now that I'm finally ready you want to wait even longer?" She asked.

"I'll wait as long as I need to, cause in the end, it'll be with you that's what makes everything worth it. And it will be special." I kissed her cheek.

Her cheeks turned red and I cheered. She looked confused.

"Do you know how hard it is to make you blush. It's an accomplishment if I can make it happen." I explained.

She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Come on. Let's go to sleep." I pulled her with me smiling.

I finally have her back.


Since Beth has gotten her memories back things have slowly returned to normal. Our Glory Days Tour will start soon and we have been itching to get back on stage.

Beth's hair is now already on shoulder length. Her hair grew back pretty fast.

Simon and Nathan played completely innocent when Beth talked about their offer in the next meeting we had.

Right now Beth and I were at home enjoying our day off after weeks of hard work.

"The tour is gonna be huge." I said as I sat down next to Beth.

Beth nodded and said, "It's gonna be epic."

"We still didn't get a North American leg ever again though." She added with a sigh.

"Yeah but we never will. Not with Simon and Nathan in the equation. Only if we fulfil their wishes without any but's. It' no one's fault but theirs." I said.

She always thought it was her fault since they specifically singled Beth out and told her to flirt with the radio owners. I'm guessing that's because at the time she was only single one of us.

"You say So, but if I would have just this once done what they said, we would have broken through America. Afterwards people's attention there would have been on us enough for them to annoy the label enough to make us go back there." She said.

"I don't believe that. You know those two, they exploit till there's nothing left. They surely wouldn't have left us the North American leg if we didn't obey their other wishes." I said.

Beth then stayed silent but nodded after a while.

"It's gonna go on for so long though. Literally almost a year." She said and leaned into me.

"Yeah, and it will be epic to perform Touch, Power and Shout Out to My Ex." I said excitedly.

We kept on talking about that amongst other things. And I just love how easy laughing is with Beth. It is in general really easy to make me laugh, but with Her? She can do literally anything and I'll find it funny simply because it's her.

But what I love the most, is that we made Beth's bizarre side come out. The first two years of our career she barely did any weird facial expressions while we did them from day one. Now she has no problem doing them in an interview or whenever really.

God. Every day since she got her memories back I realised just how hard it would be to live without her.

And I'm never gonna let that happen again.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now