Answering A Question

Start from the beginning

I went quiet. Three seconds past and they new I was finished.

"I think you had a Quirk Awakening." Recovery Girl said.

"A Quirk Awakening? Is it possible? She wasn't in a near-death situation, as most occur." Toshinori asked the others. In his regular form.

"Being in near-death situations aren't the only cause for Awakenings." Midnight replied.

"Kazama has been around death quite a bit. She could have died during the USJ attack. Those situations wouldn't force an Awakening out of her."  I glanced at Aizawa as he said that. One one look at the scar forced me to look away.

"As I said, I was beyond angry. And I felt another intense emotion. Towards someone who I had never even been annoyed with before." I placed myself into this conversation.

"So, I think it's agreed on that you have had a Quirk Awakening." Nezu said, and the others hummed in agreement. "Now, let's talk about how to handle it."

I think at this point, I was just able to listen in. Not make decisions, but listen to what they will decide on. Unwillingly, I kept quiet. They didn't give me a chance to butt in - as if I was an object they were discussing. Not someone who has no legal guardian and has to make decisions for herself..

"We need to test how much it affected her. Whether it is a special move or whether her whole Quirk has expanded infinitely." Aizawa said.

"I don't recommend any testing for the remainder of the week." Recovery Girl said.

"Oh, come on! Mira heals pretty fast, as you all know. We can certainly test her by Friday at least!" Midnight said with a pout.

"Yeah! If we can't test her this week, than what about hero internships?!" Present Mic was loud as ever. But he brought up a point.

Hero internships are next week. I want to participate.

"Even so, she needs as much rest. We don't know how she will react to using her Quirk if it has infinitely expanded." Recovery Girl was grounded.

"Whenever we decide to test her, some of us will have to train her to regain control." Ectoplasm finally spoke.

"I can help with that, if Mira wishes." I didn't know when to input myself. Maybe when it gets to the point where I can't keep my mouth shut any longer.

I also noticed that Nezu was smiling pleasantly but wasn't saying anything. He would have the final say, after all. He is the president.

"If we be objective, Aizawa and either Yamada or Ecto would be the best trainers. Their Quirks match up better." Midnight spoke.  

"Actually, I would say Toshinori is a better fit. He just doesn't teach well." Ectoplasm said. I felt my lips twitch at that.

"Hey, I am learning!" Toshinori complained. "But Aizawa for sure."

"Of course I would help. She's my student and my Quirk is best to counteract hers. Now either Ecto or Yamada, and that is enough." Aizawa said, turning to look at Nezu. In fact, it just went silent and everyone turned to Nezu.

His tail flicked around, the sign his brain was at work. He looked me in the eye, and I knew I was not going to like his decision.

"Kazama, you won't be doing the internship next week." I clenched my jaw, fingers digging into the sweater. "I don't think you need it, overall." There were hymns of agreement.

"Starting Sunday, you'll test your Quirk with Aizawa and Yamada, and begin training to make sure you can use your Quirk. If need be, it'll be longer than a week. But I believe you will be fine." Nezu smiled softly but I was not satisfied. Not in the slightest.

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