81: Second Wife 1

Start from the beginning

"I will take care of him myself." Rui said.

Yumi and Kami nodded in agreement.


But it wasn't just Yumi's people who wanted her to learn about Don Enrico's return to the city.

When she and Mateo arrived home, unexpectedly, Doña Silvanna and Sedric were there, waiting for them.

"Malia, why don't you take Sedric first to the kitchen?" Yumi asked na agad namang ginawa ng dalaga. When they were left alone, Yumi finally confronted Doña Silvanna.

"Doña Silvanna, I heard that the don is back. Is this why you are here?"


To Yumi and Mateo's surprise, Doña Silvanna's expression turned into anger. Her eyes were flashing due to loathing.

"What's wrong?" Yumi asked concernly

"That son of a... It wasn't enough for him to beat me like that. Now, he brought another woman with him and announced that she was his Second Wife. He even dared to introduced her to Sedric." Nagngingitngit na sabi ng doña.

She was clutching her handkerchief very hard habang ang mga mata niya ay maluha luha pa.

That news, however, surpassed all the other news Yumi had received today.

The don brought home a Second Wife?

She didn't know what to think about this anymore.

"It wasn't enough for him to beat me in front of our son. He even humiliated me now like this." Doña Silvanna's tears began to fall down. It was partially because of pain and anguish but most of all, it was due to unrestrained anger in her heart. Then she reached for Yumi's hand.

"Help me, Yumi. Help me and Sedric. I want revenge. That man... I want him to suffer for doing to us."

Mateo suddenly stepped up between them and removed the Doña's hands on Yumi na halos bumaon na din ang mga kuko sa balat ng kanyang asawa.

Then with cold voice, he said, "My wife has been aiding you since this matter between you and you husband started. Out of her good heart and respect to you, she even took care of you and Sedric before.

"If you are thinking na may utang na loob kaming dalawa sa inyong mag-asawa, you are actually wrong. I am confident, with or without your help, Yumi will still be my wife.

"Therefore, I don't think my wife has responsibility in helping you with your revenge. Doña Silvanna, the don hurt and humiliated you like this because you let him do so. You didn't even try fighting, did you? Now you are troubling my wife with your matter.

"Please leave, Doña Silvanna. I won't allow my wife to get involved in your matter anymore. She already helped you enough."

Doña Silvanna's anger turned into unbelieving expression. Then she looked at Yumi with pleading eyes. But Mateo stood between them.

He remembered Antoine's report when he arrived several months ago from the conquest mission. It was already benevolent of him not to pursue what this husband and wife had put Yumi through then.

This time though, he wouldn't let them use Yumi anymore like that.

Mateo looked at his people and they understood at once.

Two of them quickly went near the doña.

When she saw this, she began to panic.

No... Yumi couldn't abandon them now.

They needed her support.

She knew that Mateo was right.

Yumi had no responsibility to them. Besides she was even pregnant.

But she was all her and Sedric's chance.

At once, Doña Silvanna fell on her knees. Then she began begging them.

"Please, Yumi. You have to help us. I am begging you. That woman he brought. You know her. Please..."

Yumi couldn't help stopping Mateo from getting in between her and the doña.

When the older woman held her kanina, she really got hurt dahil bumaon talaga ang mga kuko ng donya sa kamay niya.

Also, she agreed to Mateo that she already helped them a lot. In fact, if it wasn't for Sedric she wouldn't even want to get involved with their matter.

But then again, after the Doña said that, she still couldn't help being curious.

So she gave Mateo a look which made him hesitantly made way.

"Doña Silvanna, who is this woman brought by Don Enrico as his Second Wife?"

The doña saw light when she heard Yumi asked that.

"It was your friend from L City. I believe her name is...


Before Yumi could react, someone else did it for her.

"What did you say?"

It was Malia who was standing by the dining area door. She was with Sedric who was also stunned when he saw his mother kneeling on the floor.


(A/N: Ha-How you like that, that-that-that-that, that-that-that-that? ~ 😏😏😏)

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