"You know if you ever want to find your parents or real answers we can help you" Her dad says sternly.

"Yeah, seriously" Izzy says with a smile. I nod and we continue on with the food and occasional conversation. I'm happy they didn't drag it on, the subject of my parents is something I fear. They weren't the best from memory but sometimes we had good times. I was so young that I only remember glimpses of them.

"You know Izzy used to bully her brother when she was only three"

"No I didn't!" I laugh as she looks at her dad glaring.

Her mum starts laughing, "You used to steal his books, he would get so upset. Eli barely cries but after that stunt he was crying the house down!"

"The little punk deserved it!"

"Bully" I say but she just looks at me smirking.

"Didn't last long though. As soon as Izzy was around seven or eight, Eli would fight back. You'd see them pranking each other all the time. One time I came back home from work and Izzy was handcuffed to the banister" Her dad says while laughing.

Izzy frowns, "Eli convinced me to play cops and robbers with him, which as weird as this kid prefers intellectual games. But I did it anyway and he handcuffed me saying that he will come back in a minute...I was like there for over an hour"

I burst out laughing, her parents joining. "It's worse now though, they are both big and strong so instead of those innocent pranks, it's now full on physical fights. I've had to take them to the hospital many times"

I look at her shocked as she just looks down trying to hold her smile. "It's her dads fault, he used to have physical fights with Izzy's grandfather as a game"

"Not my fault it's fun! Hey Iz you want to go have one now!" I see their eyes lit up.

"No way in hell!" Her mum scolds them and they both groan. I look at her and she smiles at me winking with amusement.

For the rest of the evening we ate more and spoke, then cleaned up. I said my goodbyes to her parents as they headed off to bed leaving me with Izzy.

"We should talk shouldn't we?" Izzy says as we sit on the sofa.


She clears her throat and holds my hands, "I like you...a lot. I don't tend to like people. It's usually just sex or attractiveness but I genuinely like you and want to try it out. There's something about you that's different I guess."

"I'm noteworthy right?" She smiles and nods, "Izzy I do like you but I'm just scared. This could go horribly wrong and mess up both our lives. Listen Iz, just give me some time okay?"

She nods slowly. "I'll walk you out" I smile in response and we both leave.


Isabella's POV

I've had no texts or calls, and the cold shoulder all morning. I saw Liv in the parking lot and she completely ignored me which pissed me off. So now I'm pissed and in Art with Kristen, my mums friend. As I start drawing I hear small snickers, I turn around to see the boys laughing at something. "What you guys laughing about?"

"Look" Davin one of them shows me their phone. My eyes go wide as I see it's someone who was recording themselves in the girls locker room. I look closer to see that they are jerking themselves off. I'm disgusted alone but it gets worse. Once he finishes I see he approaches one of the girls, I recognise the volleyball outfit as our schools one. The girl has her back to him. Then he slaps her ass, but I immediately recognise the tattoo on the girls ankle.

You're NoteworthyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora