43 - "Did you do that to yourself?"

Start from the beginning

What no! I have a boyfriend, what the fuck am I thinking!

"Hey cut it out" I said giving his head a slight push.

"Sorry, it's just... your beautiful" he breathed.
"Okay,, you have completely lost your mind!" I exclaimed

He looked bewildered

"Are you drunk?"
He shook his head
"Are you high?"
He shook his head yet again

"Just high on your love baby" he said in a sing songy voice.

"Right come on your going home you're definitely on drugs or some shit. You were literally crying like less than 10 minutes ago and now your doing this?"

"Kiara Carreraaa you are the love of my lifeeee!" he screeched

"Shut up" I chuckled, slamming my hand over his mouth.

"Eeearaa mmmm" he continued his muffled singing

"Shhh shhh" I pressed my hand further against his mouth

"JJ for fucks sake I have a boyfriend, I know your just drunk or something but you have to sto-"

His eyes suddenly rolled to the back of his head and with a thud he landed on the soft sand.

My mouth hung agape, did he just pass out?

"JJ?" I shook him "are you messing with me?"

No response.
"Come on dude this isn't funny anymore"

I started to panic "what the hell are you on bro?"

I bit my nail anxiously, unsure of what to do. Should I call ambulance or do I just wait until he comes around?

"Shit" I muttered, taking out my phone and dialling Pope.

It took a few seconds but he finally picked up
"Kie what the hell, it's nearly 3am" he said in a sleepy voice.

"Pope it's important, it's JJ he-he passed out and I don't know what to do!?" I blurted out

"What? Where are you?"

"The beach" I replied

"What the fu- ugh alright I'll be there in 10"

"Thanks, hurry"

And he hung up.

"Fucking hell JJ, you see how much trouble your causing" I spoke to his lifeless looking body.

Soon enough I saw a figure sprinting across the sand and he threw himself down besides us.

"What the hell happened?" he exclaimed

"I- I don't know okay! I just got here and he was fucking bucketing it down with tears and than he went all crazy and he just passed out" I stuttered

"Jesus" he stared down at JJ and ran a hand through his hair.

"I think he's had an overdose, he can't go to the hospital they'll just send him to rehab or something" he explained

"Shit..." I nodded slowly

"Oh fuck" I exhaled, as we plopped JJ's heavy ass onto the sofa.
"He's so skinny but why does he weigh a ton?"

"Maybe your just weak?" Pope suggested

"Thanks" I fake smiled at him

"Tomorrow's gonna be a fun day at school, JJ's gonna have a massive ass hangover and you and I are gonna be sleepy as fuck" I said sarcastically

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