Andy's 19 Weeks and 1 Day... Today, Andy has a shift and they're waiting to hear back from Hazel about their offer for the house.

Andy and Robert are both excited and can't wait to hear back. Today, Andy decided to take desk duty today. So, she was at the station all day. Around one, Robert got a call from Hazel about the house status. So, they talk, and right after Robert called Andy.

Shortly after Robert got off the phone, he called Andy. Conversation... Andy: Hey. Robert: Guess what? Andy: What? Robert: I got a call from Hazel. Andy: Really? What did she say? Robert: She said we got the house! Andy: We did? Robert: Yes. Andy: WE GOT THE HOUSE! (Andy does a dance and Robert laughs, wishing he could see her. The team has no clue what's going on. So they came into the welcome area.) Maya: What happened? Are you alright? Andy: Yes, I'm fine. Robert, I gotta go. The team is here. Robert: Okay. By the way, we go see the realtor tomorrow evening to sign the paperwork. Andy: Okay. Vic: What is going on? Andy: Nothing. Robert went up the stairs, and he hasn't done for a long time. Travis: Okay. (After that, the rest of the shift was calm and Andy went to her bunk and called Robert.) Andy: I didn't tell the team. Robert: Why? Andy: I don't know. I didn't want to. Robert: Okay. Andy: I can't believe that we're going to be house owners together soon. Robert: I know. We are going to meet with you tomorrow evening. Andy: Okay. See you in the morning. Robert: Okay. I love you so much. Andy: I love you too.: End of Conversation After that, Andy went to bed.

Andy's 19 Weeks and 2 Days... When Andy finished her shift she headed home. When she got home Robert was waiting for her in the living room. When she got home, there were a ton of boxes packed.

Today is a very busy day. This evening, they go see Hazel to sign some paperwork for the house, and then this morning Robert has a sixty-minute PT appointment. Then tomorrow, they go see Amelia to do a post-op check-up. Over the past couple of days, Andy and Robert have been busy packing. They have packed a ton, and they've gotten a lot done.

When Andy was home for about an hour, she had to leave again to take Robert to his appointment. So, she took him, waited, and then they headed home. When they got home, Andy rests, and Robert works on packing.

Around three in the afternoon, Andy got up, showered, got dressed, and they left for the realtors office at four. Their appointment is at four-thirty. When they made it to the realtor's office, they were excited. When they got there, they were greeted by Hazel.

Hazel took them back to her office. Conversation... Hazel: Hey guys. You have a ton of papers to sign. Are you ready? Robert: Yes. (They go to Hazel's office.) Hazel: When would you like to list your townhouse? Robert: I'm thinking we rent it out to have extra income coming in. Hazel: Okay. Andy: What are the next steps?

Hazel: We'll you sign these papers, we schedule the home inspection, which I've already scheduled for two days from now, and then we attempt to close either next week or the week after. The owner has requested that we close in two weeks and that's why I've scheduled the home inspection for so soon.

Andy: Okay. (They start signing all the paperwork.) Hazel: So, we will attempt to close in one or two weeks depending on the home inspection report. Andy: That will make me around twenty or twenty-one weeks along. Hazel: Okay. If we close quickly, they will pay all their closing costs and agree to fix anything that needs to be fixed. Andy: Is that good or bad? Hazel: That depends on the home inspection. Andy: Okay. Hazel: I'll call you tomorrow with the details of the home inspection. Andy: Okay. I'll be a shift, but I'll try and be there. Hazel: Okay, if not I'll be there. Andy: Okay. (They sign a ton of paperwork and talk for a few minutes. They then head home, and when they get there, they talk.) Andy: I expected this to take longer. Robert: Me too.: End of Conversation After that, they continue packing.

That evening, they looked into storage units. That way they can have a place to keep their stuff while they're building their house and living in the house that they bought. They talked about what they wanted their house like and so much more on then way home.

Around six-thirty, they got a call from Hazel telling them about the details of the house inspection in two days from now. The house inspection will be at 3:30 in the afternoon. Since Andy will be on shift, she's going to try to get off to be there with Robert. This means she'll ask Maya off on the morning of the shift for a couple of hours that day.

Andy's 19 Weeks and 4 Days... Today, Andy and Robert have an appointment with Amelia, and they're going to pack some more and take some loads to the storage unit.

Robert's appointment is at one, so they packed and did a load to the storage unit. Since the team doesn't know, Andy and Robert have been packing and moving stuff to the storage unit by themselves. They plan to tell the team once they've moved into their home.

Around twelve-thirty, they left for Robert's appointment. They made it there just in time. So, they signed in, waited in the waiting room, and then were taken back to a room. Conversation... Amelia: Hey, guys. How's it going? Andy: We may have bought a house, and we're doing the home inspection tomorrow. Amelia: Congrats. Robert, how are your legs? Robert: No pain at all. It felt wonderful having no pain. I'm doing well in PT, and I can now go upstairs. Amelia: That's wonderful. Andy: When can he drive? Amelia: He can start driving again, today if he wants. Robert: Really? Amelia: Yes. Robert: What about work? Amelia: That's waiting a little bit longer. Andy, how many weeks are you? Andy: Nineteen weeks, why? Amelia: Let's do a checkup in three weeks and depending on how you're doing. We'll talk about work. Is that a deal? Robert: It's a deal. Amelia: See you guys in three weeks. Call if you need anything at all. Andy and Robert: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, Amelia left the room.

They then left the room, made his appointment for three weeks from now, and left her office. Tomorrow, Andy has worked and she needs to ask for a couple of hours that afternoon off for the home inspection.

Andy's 19 Weeks and 4 Days... Today, Andy has a shift and then they have the house inspection this afternoon.

This morning, Andy woke up, got ready for work, and then headed there. Right now, getting to work is a good twenty-minute drive there and back. So, she's excited to live somewhere closer to work.

When she arrived at work, she headed into Maya's office and asked for two hours off that afternoon, and she agreed without asking too many questions to Andy's shock. Andy then left her office and texted Robert that she'll be there. He was excited. Since he can drive now, he was going to drive himself even if Andy could make it.

Around 2:45 in the afternoon, Andy left for the home inspection. When she left for the home inspection, she was so excited. When she got there, the inspector was there, and he was so nice. He let them follow him around, and ask all the questions they wanted too. In the end, the house got a clean bill of health. That means, that since the house passed the inspection, they can work on closing the house.

After the home inspection, Andy and Robert walked around the neighborhood. While they did that, they found a couple of empty pieces of land for sale and they loved them. The pieces of land were at half an acre and a full acre. They loved the full acre the most. So, they called Hazel who was still at the house.

After a couple of minutes, she arrived at the lot, and they learned that it was $30,000 for that one acre in this good neighborhood. So, they decided to put in a bid for the full asking price dependent on the ground health and the possibility to build a house it. Plus, put other things on the land.

After they finished all of that, Andy headed back to work. When she got there, the team asked why she left, but Andy didn't tell them that. That evening, Robert got a call from Hazel saying that the owner wants to close five days from now, and they agreed to that.

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