42 - "It's not a request, it's an order"

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" I rolled my eyes

"I need you to go to Barry's and... well he has something of mine and I need you to get it back for me"

Rob him? Again? Is this one big set up?

"I'm not robbing Barry" I objected

"Look it's not robbing okay, it's just taking back what's rightfully ours" he reasoned

"No, it is robbing! Do you even hear yourself right now? Your asking your 16 year old child to go and rob a drug dealer, and he has guns dad, GUNS!"

"He's not gonna do shit to you, and also you're gonna do it at night, he's out doing his drug runnings at that time so you can just sneak in and back out again"

"Do it yourself than" I snapped

"Its not a request it's an order, boy"

I clenched my fist.
Why do I keep on giving him second chances? The last time I saw him he fucking branded me!

"I knew you'd do you this! God I actually believed you at first but your really just some twisted asshole, I'm your son! when have you ever shown even the slightest bit of care for me, not that fake shit you pulled infront of my friends, actual care!" I shouted

"Don't talk to me like that" he growled, gripping my shirt threatingly.
This is exactly what I mean.

I ripped myself away from him
"All I want is a father, is that really so much to ask?" my voice was breaking as I tried to hold back the tears

He just looked at me and scoffed.

"Grow the fuck up, why are you crying?" he then walked away knocking my shoulder in the process.

I kicked the chair in frustration.
"Fucking hate this place" I muttered under my breath

"Don't you dare leave this house, boy. Your going tonight and that's final!" he called out to me.

I ignored him and stomped to the door flinging it open.

"I swear to god, if you step a foot out that door I'll give you a thumping you'll never forget" he threatened.


{ Kiara POV }

Its about 2am and I can't sleep, I kept on tossing and turning in bed with all the thoughts keeping me up.

I groaned and suddenly sat upright, running a hand through my hair. Screw this, I'm going out to get some fresh air.


{ JJ POV }

Holy shit, I did it! My heart was racing.
I looked at my gloved hands and saw 20k of cash, if I get caught with this than I'm fucked.

Such a responsible father I have, forcing his son to steal 20k in the middle of the night.

I'm pretty sure Barry's still seeking revenge after the first time I robbed him, just imagine what he'd to do to me if he found out I stole his 20k. I just better hope he doesn't work out that I did it.

I flung open the door and threw the money to the floor.
"You make me sick" I spat at my dad before bolting back out the door.

My vision went blurry and I couldn't see where I was going.
Shit I think I just put my only remaining friends in danger.

I can't even remember if I took anything today because it felt like I was about to black out.

I collapsed onto something soft and grainy, I think it's the beach but I can't be sure. I curled up into my knees and started sobbing.

Why is life like this? What have I done to deserve this!? Maybe I do deserve it.

If only I knew what that gold hunt would've done to us than I could've stopped us. But I was selfish, a big part of me wanted the the gold too.

My stupid fucking self, I ruin everything!

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" I kicked the sand aggressively.

"Why did you leave me you motherfucker! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO AFTER THAT GODDAMN GOLD!" I screamed up to the sky where John B and Sarah are probably bathing in baths of gold while I'm stuck down here.

I threw my head into the sand and stayed like that. Maybe I'll just die like this.

Then I heard a voice from behind me...

I'm really sorry, I just love leaving chapters on cliffhangers. Sorry if it annoys anyone 💀

Do you guys prefer longer or shorter chapters? This one's average ish (1293 words)

Stay safe y'all, and I'll see you in the next one.

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