Oneshots pt 3 of 4

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That made Tommy turn with a worried look on his face, "You think it could be that serious?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"No, but I'm worried about TJ." She explained and Tommy's concerned look turned into understanding. "Even a simple cold is dangerous for a baby. And I don't want to risk getting him sick."

"Yeah, then he'd be fussy all the time like with the teething." Tommy said as he put a pair of pants on and used his towel to dry his hair.

"It would be worse than the teething." Bailey said laying back on the bed.

"Well if Red has an extra cot I'm sure she wouldn't mind you staying a few days." Tommy said as he put his long sleeved white shirt on. Bailey sat up again and looked at him, her expression hesitant.

"You sure?" she asked seeming nervous and maybe a little scared.

"Yeah." Tommy replied shrugging and moving to sit by her on the bed not understanding why what he was saying seemed to be the opposite of comforting to her.

"But then you'd have to take time off from work, and I –"

"I covered some extra shifts for Luke last month, I can get him to go in for me." He said as she got up off the bed and started pacing the room. "You don't think I can do it do you?" he asked piecing together what had her so worried. "You don't think I can take care of TJ for two days on my own."

"It's not that." She said stopping and turning to him and he smirked.

"Oh yeah? What then?" he asked still smiling getting some enjoyment out of watching her try to come up with a better reason.

She crossed her arms, "It's just a lot Tommy. Diaper changing, making the formula, giving him a bath, getting him dressed. It's hard to do by yourself –"

"You do it." He pointed out, "When I'm at work you do it and go to your job."

"That's different." She defended herself, "I –"

"Have more than one hand." He said and she looked at him horrified.

"No! There are days that even with two hands I wish I had five." She said walking toward him, "And I've never held that against you." She said sitting on his lap and playing with his hair before resting her hand on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Bailey you've never been away from TJ since he was born." Tommy pointed out, "Maybe you have a cold now because you burned yourself out. If you need a few days to rest and get better let me help." He said rubbing her back, "I can handle it. And if I need help I can go to Doc or Warren."

There was a moment of quiet while she rested her head on his shoulder while he rubbed her back letting her think it over. They probably sat there for a good ten minutes before she muttered into his neck, "You promise?" she asked lifting her head and looking him in the eye, "You promise you'll go get help if you need it?"

He smiled, "Bailey I care more about TJ then I do about wounding my pride." He reassured her, "I promise."

She looked down at her lap sheepishly still seeming reluctant. "Okay."


When Bailey got to the infirmary she found Red doing an inventory report as she ate from a plate of what Bailey assumed was breakfast she'd gotten from the dining hall.

"Hey Red." She greeted and cringed at how talking made her throat hurt more.

"Hey Bailey." Red replied looking up from her work and zig-zagging through the desks in the room to make her way over to her, "Everything okay?"

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang