Little Things

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I hesitantly knocked on Loki's door and waited for a response, without hearing one I slowly entered the room saying that I brought him dinner. "I did not think one would care if I was to starve to death." He stated begrudgingly. 

"Well, think again," I said attempting to imply that I meant it sincerely. After we had dinner on his bead talking about his opinions on mid guardian culture (specifically the poor current day music) we both read in his room. It was 12:00 when I began to unknowingly drift off to sleep with my head on his shoulder. Sensing me going to sleep Loki conjured up a dark green blanket from my bedroom and called it a night. Little did we know that Thor and Wanda checked Loki's room looking for me when they found us on his bed, my head on his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around me. 

Thor and Wanda, silently left the room, as soon as they closed the door she was quietly screaming, "Oh My God, you know how hard it is for Y/N to be vulnerable with people."

"I know and the same goes for my brother, I feel that they could really help each other," Thor replied deep in thought.

I woke up slowly, opening my eyes in my room- no Loki's room. I then remembered I fell asleep on his bed with him. I looked up and saw his resting face, he looked so peaceful and innocent, as if his worries and burdens were nonexistent. 

I stared out the window for a little while before I felt him stir and begin playing with my hair. We met eyes and shared a momentary smile in which verbal communication was not necessary. As we both began leaning towards each other I heard the blaring alarm reminding us of our weekly team meeting at 11, we sadly untangled from each other and I went to my room to change into some sweats and a tank top.

At our weekly meeting was discussing any future threats and missions, Hydra is the most recurring problem with growing basses we were expecting a mission any day now. I decided to go for a walk around central park and listen to music cranking Lose it by SWMRS and Taylor Swift. After I got a mint tea at a cute stand I headed back to the tower and did some weight lifting in my same pair of sweats and a black sports bra with a long sleeve shirt. After enjoying my alone time I went to the living area and socialized with Bucky and Steve for a while and then watched a movie on their pop culture catch-up list (How to Train your dragon).

After the movie finished I noticed how Steve was surprisingly emotional and Bucky was looking at Steve with an amused look. "Remember that time when we were younger and Steve got stuck in a tree because he was trying to rescue a cat," Bucky said reminiscing about our past life.

"Ha! ya and then we had to run to the convenience store and get a ladder for him to climb down," I said.

Steve was laughing remembering his old scrawny self, "Well excuse me for trying to take care of a cat despite my countless limitations back then."

Us three decided to make dinner tonight for the team. Wanda was out running errands with Vison and Nat, Peter was at school, Bruce and Tony were in the lab doing god knows what, Clint was home with his family and Thor and Loki were sparring in the gym. Bucky was craving pizza so we made pepperoni and cheese pizza for the team. We had set the table and dished up the pizza when the team came into the dining room.

We were cranking the star-spangled man laughing our asses off at the fact that Steve had to partake in that so publically. I couldn't breathe and Bucky was in the same boat dying of laughter while Steve was amused, embarrassed, and proud that he was still able to do something to help the country before he went all soldier on us. "Guys, I think that fossil 1,2, and 3 have finally cracked from old age, what's the return date on them," Tony said when he saw us laughing so hard in the living room.

"Haha Stark, original content." I said back at him "I am starving so can we start eating before I break into your stash of chocolate coffee for your late lab nights," I threatened.

"You wouldn't dare," he remarked even though he knew damn well I would.

Thor and Loki came down from the gym in midgaurdian clothing which was a pleasant but rare case. "Loki, are you staying for dinner tonight," I said, knowing he would cave.

"I suppose because you still need to give me the next book to that series you gave me, The Maze Runner." He said.

After dinner, we played monopoly in teams. Wanda and vision, Clint and Nat, Tony and Peter, Sam and Steve, Thor and Loki and Bucky and I, Bruce wanted to be the banker. Bucky and I won, so let's just say that the other teams were everything but happy about the winners. By the time the game was over it was 12 at night but I had a sweet tooth craving so I decided to stay behind and make some chocolate chip cookies. Everyone had gone to bed so I began singing a little like I sometimes do when I am alone. I was singing long to Shallow from A Star Is Born when Loki came in to get some water. "You have a beautiful voice, darling." He said to me.

I thought for a second and then replied, "Well let's just say that  enjoy partaking in music as an escape from reality alongside reading,"

Loki helped me bake cookies and I made sure he tried them fresh out of the oven, "These are so good, the closest thing we had to these on Asgard would be when we would sneak cocoa beans into the warriors three food. Granted it was disgusting however Thor and I did enjoy the occasional prank," He said in amazement while reminiscing about his old life on Asgard.

"You and your brother were close when you were younger, weren't you?" I asked

Loki seemed lost in thought for a moment then replied, "Yes however nothing stays as it is, secrets get exposed and relationships break."

"On that note, I think I am gonna go to bed, good night Loki," I said as I headed towards my room.

"Goodnight darling," He replied.


Thank you guys for reading!

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