Missions and Secrets

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This one is a big mission causing the whole team to go. I run to my floor and wake up Loki while using my powers to change into my uniform.

The whole team is assembled and in the Quinjetr within 5 minutes. "So another Hydra attack?" Sam asks curiously.

Steve responds, "It is not confirmed who the attackers are but all we know is that they are a small group of individuals with enhanced abilities and they are forming in a forest just outside of Brooklyn."

We are on the ground within 20 minutes and we see a group of people in an open meadow, "That must be them, alright your guys go with our usual teams and come at them from different sides." Tony says before going into the trees with Sam and Vision to cover the air. 

The closer my team consisting of Steve, Bucky, Loki and I get, the larger these things look. 

When we are just at the edge of the forest we ambush a small group of these things. We each are fighting 2. I quickly kill one thanks to the element of surprise and then fight the other one. I was about to go in for the attack when I am suddenly jolted back and hit a tree. 

I felt as though I had just been struck by a jolt of fire and electricity. They then paralyze me for a minute with this same sensation as before. I am stuck on the ground not being able to move and I see some of my team members are in the same boat. 

I use my powers to hit all of the enemies against the ground until they are unconscious, allowing us all to get up again but they wake up quickly. Now we are aware of this new ability we take them out faster. I quickly recover and use my telekinesis powers to knock my opponent against a tree knocking them unconscious. There are only a few left.

I am fighting a single one when Loki comes over to help me, I see Bucky struggling with a larger one, "I am fine, go help Buck." I tell him

Loki hesitantly agrees and goes to help Buck. My opponent and I slowly start to move closer towards the outer lines of the meadow near the trees. The enemy grabs my hand, it feels almost as if they are taking away my powers. I feel as though they are draining me of something. I sense a presence behind me but am too distracted trying to use my knife to stab the monster's heart. All of the other opponents are dead by now and my teammates were coming over to help me finish this one-off. Just as Nat and I killed this one I can see a similar-looking thing lunges towards my back from the corner of my eye. 

Before I can react Loki is in front of me and pushes me out of the way. To my complete and utter horror, I see the monster stab Loki with a knife right through his chest. I can't remember what happened after that other than killing that beast and running to Loki's side.

"Hey, hey, hey, Loki look at me," I say holding his face trying to keep him conscious. "Tony get Bruce and get the Quinjet ready NOW!" I yell. "Lok stay with me, your gonna be ok," I tell him. By now he is unconscious due to the loss of blood.

I try to heal him but my powers are barely working. I turn around and see the majority of the team just standing there stunned, knowing this stab wound was lethal. "Don't just stand there do something!" I yell inbetween sobs. 

The team is shocked by my display of emotions because not even the whole team has seen me lose my cool until now, not to mention straight out crying.

Thor runs over to us with Bruce close on his tail. I know there is no time for this so I reach as deep as I can into my power source, including the boots that Tony and Bruce made me for my birthday, and give all of my energy into healing Loki. 

I see his wound begin to close and he inhales a deep breath. I let out a sob of relief just before falling to the ground beside him in exhaustion and going unconscious soon after.

When I wake up I see that I am in the med wing and most of the team is there. Bucky is beside me same as Steve, Tony, Nat, and Wanda are at my footstep all lost in their own minds. When Bucky sees me awake he smiles and lets out a relieved sigh, "Hey," he says quietly.

"What happened," I say.

Bucky looks to the rest of the team who hesitantly nods. "After that mission, you just went unconscious after some intense healing." He says simply but I know there is more.

"Where is Loki?" I ask dreading what I feel they will answer.

Steve gives me a sad smile and Buck squeezes my hand before answering, "He is next door still healing, you healed most of his wounds but his body still needs to recover from the trauma. If it weren't for you he would probably be dead right now. We just don't know when he will wake up." he says.

I remember all that happened and start to freak out a little bit. "Hey your ok, he is gonna be ok, alright?" Bucky says trying to calm me down.

I rip out the IVs and heart monitors while trying to run to the room next door. My body is so exhausted that I almost fall to the floor but Bucky and Steve catch me. "Y/N calm down please, you need to rest, you've been out for 20 hours," Tony tells me.

"Can I at least see him?" I ask. They all nod and help me to his room. I'll be damned if I have to use a wheelchair or crutches. 

When I see him in the bed with wires and monitors around him, my heart breaks. I sit down on the opposite side of his bed across from Thor. "Just let me stay here," I say. 

The team knows that there will be no persuading or negotiating with me so they let me sit next to him while holding his hand.

It has now been a few days later. Loki has not woken up yet and I have not left his side since I woke up. I have regained enough of my strength to walk around. 

Bucky enters Loki's room and sees me next to him, "Thought I'd find you here." he says, "I just wanted to check how you are doing after everything from your nightmare to the mission to this." He says. This reminds me of our discussion before the mission.

"Speaking about my nightmare, you were about to say something before the alarm went off, what were you gonna say?" I ask.

"I think that is a discussion for another time," Bucky says while walking out of the room trying to avoid eye contact.

I walk over to him as fast as I can and stop him, "Please just tell me what you were gonna say." I plead. "I need something to take my mind off of Loki."

I look up at Bucky and see his face, my heart stops in fear of what he is thinking, "My nightmare was just a nightmare, right?" I say it as more of a statement than a question.

Bucky sighs and then looks at me. "Y/N when I was looking through the boxes Peggy saved, the other day I found a secret file and read through it. Our parents worked for shield and they saved a baby from being taken by Hydra after their parents were killed." I start to freak out realizing what he is implying.

I drag him out of the medical wing in fear of waking up Loki before yelling at him, "Why didn't you tell me?!" I demand, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I was going to tell you but then I didn't want to add onto your stress right now with the new year and nightmares and now this mission. But judging by this 'dream', I... I think that was a memory." He says.

I can feel the exact second my heart breaks. I sprint upstairs into my room and slam the door. I have so many emotions going through my mind at the moment that I don't know what to do. I am sad, scared, betrayed, and very mad causing my powers to burst out and break the frames around my room and for my books to fall off my shelves. 

All of my emotions, worries, and thoughts are let out as I collapse onto the ground while I worry about Loki and think about what Bucky told me. Not long after I start to hyperventilate and full-on break down before I cry myself to sleep.


Suprise.. lol. Thank you for reading and please comment any ideas, thoughts, or opinions on the story so far. This is a pretty long chapter so I hoped you enjoyed it!

Stronger Together (LokixReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora