Dinner Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters other than Y/N


Over the past few days that I have been back at the compound, I have just read, ate, socialized, watched a lot of TV, and slept a lot. No one was allowing me to work out which made me so annoyed. The team finally let me walk around freely, thank you god. 

I have been healing myself slowly now that my cuffs were off from Hydra. However, it was always more challenging to heal me than others because as I heal myself, the more depleted my energy becomes meaning that I need a lot of breaks in between healings. I refused to use crutches. 

The first thing I did when I woke up from a very long nap after healing was head into the kitchen to make my famous chocolate chip cookies. Tony and Bruce were in the lab, Peter was at school, Clint was with his family. The rest of the team was hanging around at the kitchen table. 

After 30 minutes of being on my feet, I began to get a bit out of breath due to my injuries and lack of physical excursion within the past few weeks. If there is anything I hate it is showing my weakness so I just brushed it off. "Hey sis, you ok?" Bucky asked while getting up from the table with Loki hot on his trail. 

"Ya I'm fine," I replied knowing these two would not let me finish my cookies if they knew I was breathing heavy and a little light-headed. 

Loki came over and sat me on the corner counter, "You can't lie to the god of lies, darling," he said while brushing a stray piece of hair out of my face.

I hopped off the counter after having a few minutes to catch my breath and then finished the cookies. Thor and Loki were on dinner duty tonight and they made us a special Asgardian dish. I personally found it very cute to see Loki working hard in the kitchen and teasing Thor over his love for pop tarts. 

After dinner, the team went into the living room and we watched Hunger Games. I was in between Loki and Bucky. I also noticed that next to Bucky was Steve and I noticed they were 'secretly' holding hands. I would have to investigate that situation soon. I think it would be about god damn time those two were together. 

I didn't realize how tired I was until I began to fall asleep on Loki's shoulder. I felt him move my head onto his lap as he played with my hair as I drifted off to sleep.

Loki POV:

Y/N was so stubborn in the kitchen that she must have overworked herself which is why she is so tired now. But everyone knows when she makes up her mind, there is no going back. Y/N began to fall asleep on my shoulder in the middle of the movie. 

I shifted her head onto my lap and played with her hair as I continued to watch the movie, even though most of my focus was on wondering how and why I was gifted with this woman. I didn't realize the movie was over until I saw that the whole team was chuckling at me and Y/N. 

Tony who everyone knows is like a father figure to Y/N continued to say, "You know I have never seen her as happy as she has been since she met you Loki. Even though we all were skeptical when we first learned about your relationship I think it is safe to say that you have gained this team's respect." he said.

I looked around and saw that the rest of the team was nodding along with what he was saying. I was very shocked that they don't hate me, after our rough start but it meant the world to me that they are happy that Y/N is with me. 

"Thank you, Tony and all of your guys. I should take her to bed, she does not know when to quit." I said as I carefully lifted her into my arms and headed to her room, which has somewhat become my room as well.


When I woke up I was in my bed with Loki's arm around my waist. I snuggled closer into him and felt him kiss the top of my head. I went downstairs to get some cereal before going back to my room when I saw Wanda and Natasha smiling like the Cheshire cat. "What is this about?" I asked.

Wanda then said, "Well Natasha and I thought that you and Loki could use a getaway from the bass after all that has happened within the past month. So we used the gift card we gave you and booked you guys a two-night hotel room downtown, you leave this afternoon," She said. 

Now that she proposed the already planned idea I realized how much I wanted to get out of this compound. "That sounds great you guys thank you, I will go tell Loki," I said as I headed up into my room to find him still half asleep. I kissed him causing him to wake up more as he pulled me back onto the bed. 

I giggled and then explained that we were leaving this afternoon for a couple of nights. He loved the idea to have some alone time. By 2:00 we had our bags packed and were saying bye to the team, "If there is an emergency of any kind call us right away day or night," I said to Bucky and tony as I hugged them both.

When Loki and I were finally out of the compound he held out his arm in a mocking yet very cute manner, "shall we darling," he said. I laughed as I grabbed his arm and we headed downtown for a short escape from all the past stress.


Thanks for reading!

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