Asgard Introductions

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Loki POV

It was early enough in the morning that I knew if I woke up Y/N I would be a dead man walking. While I was definitely a little anxious to visit Asgard, I have truly missed Frigga and our lessons practicing magic, which I believe Y/N might enjoy watching and maybe learning something about her telekinesis powers. I did however have an ulterior motive to return to Asgard in order to have a short discussion with Frigga about certain things.

When I quietly slipped out of my bed I chuckled under my breath as Y/N mumbled my name, still asleep yet feeling the lack of my presence. I packed both of our bags already knowing what she would want to bring. 

When our bags were done I went to the kitchen to make Y/N and I some earl grey tea before returning to my room to wake her up. I have been so relieved this past week, the way that she has recovered from her depressive episode which gave us all a scare. She truly is the strongest person I know in all ways imaginable. 

As I went over to my bed I shook her gently, "Darling it is time to get up, we need to head to Asgard soon," I told her before giving her a kiss on her head and her lips.

She is not a morning person in any sort of way so she was not happy about the need to get up, "Well I must say you are a better alarm clock than Jarvis or Bucky who literally yanks me out of bed." She says before stuffing her head back into my pillow. 

She and Bucky have such a good relationship most of the time, it is what I aspire to have with Thor someday but I would never tell him that to his face. "I agree on darling, it must be due to unresisting charm and looks." I tease as she chuckles with me, not disagreeing. "Anyways I already packed your bag and made you some tea, we leave in half an hour, feel free to come downstairs to say bye to the team," I say before going down to talk with the team. 


I am out of bed, changed, and downstairs within ten minutes. Must be a personal record for me. "Don't get in too much trouble without us," I say while I hug him before we all head up to the roof where the Bifrost will pick us up. 

"How can we, you and Loki are taking all the trouble with you," Steve says to us causing him, me, and Bucky to laugh at our inside long-standing joke. 

"Alright, alright now to the important stuff. Bring home some Asgardian food and don't let your ego get as big as prince 1 and 2," Sam tells me as Nat hits him upside of the head. 

Everyone gives me a hug and I tell Peter to give that prick Flash a punch for me if he causes him any more trouble. Lastly, I give Tony a hug which is held for longer than the others, other than Bucky, Peter, and Steve. "Just stay safe kid," he says.

"If there is any trouble at all, just call out to Heimdall and we should be back within 10 minutes of then," Loki says as he wraps his waist around me preparing for the Bifrost.

"See you guys!" I say just as Thor calls for Heimdall to activate the Bifrost and we are suddenly surrounded in what looks like a rainbow. 

When I feel the solid ground I look around and see we are in a golden dome. "It has been too long princes of Asgard," this man says who is holding a large sword in some sort of contraption.

"Hello Heimdall," Loki says with a genuine smile as Thor goes over to Heimdall and gives him a hug. 

After we introduce each other more thoroughly we head to the palace. I already see how Loki speaks so fondly of this place, it is absolutely beautiful with the exotic nature and the rainbow bridge. I start to feel anxious and fiddle with my hands when the realization hits me that I will be meeting Loki's 'parents' at any moment. Loki notices and holds one of the hands to calm me down, "They will love you darling," he says.

While my priority is not to gain Odin's approval due to what he has done to Loki, already making me not be the largest fan of his. It would make me ecstatic if I got along well with Figga.

When we enter the throne room I see a man on his throne with a lady by his side who I assume are Odin and Frigga. Frigga quickly marches over to Loki with authority before embracing him in a loving hug, Loki quickly returns her affection with his own. "I have missed you, my child," she says. 

"Welcome back my boys," Odin says from his throne. "And who might this mortal midgaurdian be, I thought we had discussed this matter prior when maiden Jane visited Asgard Thor," Odin tells Thor and Loki.

Loki holds my hand and explains, "She is not simply a mortal midgaurdian, she is a super-soldier who has the gift to heal herself and others along with telekinesis abilities." He says proudly and already on edge trying to protect me. 

"And what is your name may I ask?" Odin says.

I bow slightly before responding, "My name is Y/N Barnes your majesty and it is an honour to meet you both, I have heard many tales about the princes time here in Asgard." 

"And what exactly is your relationship with my sons?" He pries. Asking one of the questions I was dreading to answer.

Loki takes the lead in this discussion and explains, "Y/N and myself are in a relationship, and have been for almost a year at this point."

Frigga comes forward and gives me a friendly hug, "Well lady Y/N it is truly a pleasure to meet you and see how Lokiu has found someone to share his life with."

We then all head to an extravagant living area and discuss how Loki is doing in Midgard while enjoying fresh fruit, a roast and fresh bread for lunch. Thor and I proudly say how he has helped save countless lives with our team. Odin, hesitant and icy at first slowly engages in the conversation still frosty, but I did not expect much differences. After we finish talking Loki decides to show me the room in which he grew up in so we could drop off our bags and go for a walk. 

"So what do you think of Frigga, amazing isn't she? I can already tell she loves you!" Loki asks excitedly while holding my waist with my head on his shoulder.

"I love her, she is so kind yet smart and independent," I say as we enter his room. As I look around I see bookshelves lining the walls of surprisingly and see a massive bed with dark green sheets with a dark oak desk across the room with a mirror. There is another door that leads to his closet and his private and amazing bathroom. "It suits you very much," I say as I imagine a little Loki walking around this room and sitting on the bed reading as he loves to do.

He then grabs my hand and leads me out of his room, "Do you wish to go on a walk around the palace and explore?" he asks. I nod eagerly as we begin strolling around the halls filled with paintings and marble floors. I love it here.


I should update another chapter in the following days! please comment, vote and save the story. Enjoy your weekend!

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