Beach Battle

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters other than Y/N

After half an hour we girls were almost asleep when all of a sudden...

We became soaked in water and just heard all of the guys laughing their heads off. Turns out Bucky, Steve and Clint wanted to spray us with some water guns but Loki decided to up the stakes and use his powers to dump an entire pond worth of water on our heads. "You guys are so screwed now!" I yelled at all of the guys. With that me, Nat and Wanda quickly made a game plan on who to go after and the water wars began. 

I went after Bucky, Steve, and Loki while Natasha took Tony, Clint, and Thor leaving Wanda with Vision, Sam, and Bruce. By the end, everyone was drenched and swimming in the water we were all missing a certain little spidey boy but he couldn't make it today due to some debate thing with his friend Ned. When I swam around appoint leaving me out of sight from the team I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist, I let out a slight squeal. I heard the familiar chuckle from the god of mischief and splashed him in the face for startling me. This quickly spiraled into a one-on-one water fight ending in a quiet hesitant kiss. 

We didn't know that Natasha and Wanda then swam around the corner and saw us whilst letting out a surprised gasp. "Oh my god!" Wanda said when Natasha was smirking.

I untangled from Loki and began to quiet them down. "Look guys I know I didn't tell you and I am sorry but this is sort of new for both of us and we both didn't know how everyone would react so we just kept this quiet, whatever you guys do Do Not Tell Bucky Or Steve or else we are both dead and we don't even know what this is." I rambled on and on like I do when I get nervous.

Natasha looked at Wanda as she said, "We won't tell anyone as long as you tell us everything."

Loki and I both let out a large sigh of relief as I relaxed into his strong loving arms. He kissed my head and then graciously thanked the girls for their understanding. "Y/N, is everything ok over here we heard yelling?" Bucky said worrying coming around the corner, this gave me just enough time to get an arm's length away from Loki.

"Ya we are all good, we just sneaked up on Y/N and scared her," Natasha said while pretending to laugh at how they 'startled' me. 

"Ok well you guys should come to the beach I think Steve and Sam are about to start a fire and make some smores" Bucky replied while eyeing us all up suspiciously. "Ok sounds good," I said as we all began swimming back to the warm beach.

 By the time the sunset, we had a large bonfire going with everyone in sweats, hoodies, and blankets. Natasha was beside Clint and Bruce who was beside Tony. Wanda was holding vision's hand while Sam sat beside Steve (who I noticed was sitting very close to Bucky) and I was beside Wanda and Loki who Thor also sat beside. 

"I don't understand this so-called smore," Loki said with Thor agreeing. 

"Well I don't understand how you are so hesitant to try one, they are amazing," I said. I have perfected the art of cooking smores so I made Loki and Thor theirs who hesitantly ate them and then devoured 3 more each soon after. "I told you so," I quietly said to Loki who then held my hand under our blanket. 

The team then shared some of our favorite missions and stories from the past couple of years. Even though Loki does not talk too much with the entire team, Loki began to tell the team about the time that he turned into a snake and scared the shit out of thor when they were 8. Everyone was either slightly impressed/disturbed or they were laughing their asses off like I was. After another hour of hanging out together, countless smores and hotdogs, we took the jet back to the compound and all went to our separate floors. I was on Loki and I's floor walking down our hall together talking about our favorite part of today, when we got to our own rooms we kissed and then separated. 

Before Loki closed his door I asked, 'Loki do you want to talk about your nightmare last night it seemed sort of important?" making sure not to pressure him into anything.

"I believe that is a discussion for another night darling, Goodnight." He said sweetly before closing his door. I went to my bathroom and had a quick shower to rinse off the sand and saltwater from the beach using my shampoo, conditioner, and my lavender body wash. After reading for half an hour I went to bed smiling about the past day's events.


Thank you for reading!

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