Game Talk

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To my surprise it's Peter. "Hey, Parker!" I say, "Come have a seat,"

"Thanks," Peter replies after he sits on the leather sofa, "I just wanted to ask why you didn't want to play the game tomorrow. Not to intrude or anything, I just know you usually love team competitions," He says. It is obvious that the whole team had a conversation about this beforehand but I let it slide.

"I rather just stay in bed honestly, after almost dying this morning I think a good sleep-in is well deserved," I joke.

"Alright, no worries. Just checking in ... you know," He says. But when Peter doesn't move I know something else is up.

It is then that I remember there is this guy in his grade that can be a total prick, "How is high school going?"

"It's alright, MJ and I are good and Ned just got the new lego model of Star Wars Millennium Falcon," He says.

"Isn't there a guy in your grade or something that is a total jerk?" I ask.

Peter starts to get a bit uncomfortable, "Ya, but it's ok I'm used to it," He says.

A thought comes into my head that makes me smile, "Why don't I come to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Ya, that would be great. Alright, I will see you tomorrow. Bye," He says as he leaves.

I chuckle at myself. What I would give to get to go back to my high school years before the war, just Bucky, Steve, and I.

I hear a voice from the door which snaps me out of my thoughts, "I remember when you were in high school you and your friend Margret were so excited to go to your favorite candy shop after it was closed for a few months. You came back with a full bag and ..."

"Within 5 minutes of walking through the door, you and Steve ate the entire bag. I basically chased you through Brooklyn for payback," I laugh, finishing that story.

Bucky comes over to sit next to me, "I'm sorry about what I said to Loki today. I know I messed up, we were just really close to losing you today," He says.

I rest my head on his shoulder, "Ya I know. Speaking of newfound heritages," I begin.

"My sister is a goddess," He laughs as he ruffles my hair, "I don't really care, as long as your safe. Whoever your parents are, you will always be my sister," he says.

"Thanks, Buck I love you. Also, how are you and Steve?" I question.

He chuckles knowing I always have been a hopeless romantic, "We are honestly really good. I have been wondering recently if I should pop the question sometime fairly soon," he says nervously.

I gasp, "Bucky you have to do it. You two are literal soul mates. Which reminds me, I was wondering if by any chance. I know we aren't like a father-daughter thing at all, we are brother and sister. But I was wondering if you would be willing to walk me down the aisle at my wedding?" I ask while I look down at my fidgeting hands.

When I don't hear a response I get really nervous until I look up and see Bucky has teary eyes, "My little sister is all grown up. Of course, I'll walk you down the aisle,"

He pulls me in for a hug, "Aw bro, thanks," I reply before I yawn. "On that note, I think I am going to go to bed. Night Buck," I tell him as we walk out of my little library.

"Night sis. love you," He tells me as Bucky goes to his and Steve's floor.

When I reach Loki and I's room, I see he is on the bed half asleep with a book on his lap. I stifle my laugh at his cute expressions. Once I am in my pajamas, I shift my fiancee to a comfortable position in bed and go to bed with my head on his chest.

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