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Loki POV:

I woke up to birds chirping when I remembered how I was back in Asgard with the love of my life who was in my arms. I missed this place and the beautiful nature. I heard a quiet knock on the door causing me to quickly put on a shirt before going to answer the door. "I am sorry to disturb you Prince Loki however Queen Frigga has requested your presence alongside lady Y/N." A young maid told me. 

"Thank you for letting me know, we will accompany her within the hour," I tell her before closing the door to wake up Y/N. I went over to her sleeping form in my bed and I began to shake her awake gently. "Darling, we need to get up and go train with Frigga," I say. These past few days on Asgard have been amazing, getting to further bond with my mother and Y/N.

Her only response once again was a groan followed by shoving her head into my pillow. "You asked for it," I mumble as I begin to take some of Bucky's advice on how he always got eh rout of bed so fast. I lay a pile of pillows on the ground before shoving her off onto the ground on top of the pillows right before I hit her with a pillow.

"LOKI, you are sooo dead!" she yells as she gets up and begins to chase me with a pillow. Before you know it we are in a full-on pillow fight which turns into a tickle fight.  When we both catch our breath, she uses her powers to clean up all of the feathers before we both get changed.

We head down to the room where I always practiced magic with Frigga, and sure enough here she is, "Good morning both of you, I hope you are ready to begin. I am looking forward to seeing what you both are capable of nowadays" she says as we sit down around a table filled with books.

We begin easily enough with lifting books off from the table before Loki then conjures up a bouquet of flowers which I put in a vase I brought from his room using my telekinesis powers. "I am impressed by both of your capabilities," Frigga tells us.

"We would practice back on Midgard with our fellow team member Wanda Maximoff who also has telekinesis abilities," Y/N says politely.

"And we are even more creative when we are fighting one another," I add eagerly.


Loki and I are halfway through our session with Frigga. She leads us to one of the training rooms and asks for us to have a short spar. We get into a fighting stance and begin our battle. He goes for my right shoulder which I easily defend and use his momentum against his to switch places with him in an attempt to disorient him. He isn't dazed. I use my powers to pull a practice dagger over to my hands in order to use a weapon against him. He conjures his own dagger in response and we begin fighting. 

After 5 minutes of still sparing, Loki lunges for my arm to put me in a death lock but I swipe his feet out from under him and I straddle him before putting the dagger on his throat meaning I won. Both of us are out of breath as he wipes a piece of hair out of my face as I relax in this simple gesture. He uses this moment to switch positions causing me to groan in stubborn frustration. As he gives me a hand up we see Frigga, Thor, and 4 other people standing by the entrance clapping.

"That was truly remarkable you too, I couldn't be prouder," Frigga tells us encouragingly. "I am so happy you both found each other Y/N welcome to the family." She tells me.

"Y/N meet the warriors three and Sif, not long ago these four fought many battles alongside Lokia and myself," THor tells me happily.

"It's nice to meet you all," I say in a friendly manner as they all say similar responses

"I will leave you all to catch up," Frigga says.

"Actually mother, would you mind if I had a word with you?" Loki asks as they walk out together. I'll have to ask him about that late.

"I'm sorry but what was that I heard about you and Mr. Mischeif finding each other?" Sif asks clearly very surprised.

"Loki and I are together," I state in a matter-of-factly tone.

"But why?" One of the men asks.

"Do I really need to explain myself to you, because I will if you wish but I do not think that would be a very perky story to tell you folks on this pretty morning. So either ask more questions about my boyfriend or don't but I am warning you both actions have very different consequences." I say, surprisingly keeping a calm head. One of the sensitive spots in my life would be people questioning my relationships with my friends and family.

All four gulp at my lecture causing Thor and me to chuckle. "I like her, she has spunk, I can see why Loki likes her." Sif says, "About time there was another female warrior."

Us five spent the next hour sparring and testing each other's abilities. When Loki came back with a happy expression on his face I went over to him and intertwined my hand with his, "What was that about?" I ask curiously.

"Oh nothing just a matter I had to cover since my return from Midgard," he says. "Anyway, I was wondering if you want to go get some lunch and then go on a short hike over to a gorgeous lake to go swimming," he says excitedly.

"That sounds great," I respond, still not fully convinced about his excuse for running off with Frigga. But I trust him, and I'll be damned if I become one of those controlling girlfriends.

When we finish having some sandwiches we pack a bag and then walk through the Asgard village on our way to the lake. When we get to the end of a cute trail I see the shimmering lake. We change out of our Asgardian clothing and laugh as I watch Loki dive into the lake. 

My laughter quickly dies down when Loki doesn't emerge from the Lakes bottom, "Loki?" I ask, already feeling my heart rate quickening. I wade into the lake and swim around, "LOKI?!" I call out before I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "Oh my god, you idiot! You scared me half to death." I yell as I splash his face.

"My apologies darling but I saw jewel at the bottom of the lake which I decided to get, for you my lady," he tells me as he hands me a beautiful small shimmering diamond.

"It's so gorgeous," I say mesmerized by its beauty, "But if you ever pull a stunt like that of me again, you are a dead man Laufeson," I tease him, but he knows I am also dead serious.

After that, we swim around for a while before sharing a bottle of champagne as we have a picnic dinner watching the sunset. As we head back holding hands we discuss when we could visit Asgard again. Because we have to return to Midgard tomorrow night. 


Thanks for reading! Hope you all are having a relaxing summer so far.

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