Coming out and Waking up

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I wake up in my bed and feel someone beside me. At first, I expect it to be Loki but I soon recognize the scent belongs to Bucky. 

I remember what happened when Loki, Thor, and I returned from Asgard as I sit up and attack Bucky in a fierce hug, "Oh my god. Are you ok? Why didn't you guys tell Heimdall you were going on a mission? We could have come and helped you guys. You scared the shit out of me, don't ever do that again. You're the only family I have left." I ramble as I hug him.

He kisses my head and ruffles my hair like he did when we were younger. "So I am feeling just fine after you healed me, which I was not happy about, seeing as how you ended up after healing me. Second of all, we didn't tell Heimdall because we didn't think it would be that serious of a mission. Plus we didn't want to bother you guys because you all needed some relaxation. Third of all, in case your thick head hasn't comprehended, everyone in this tower is our family. That is why we look out for each other," He tells me.  

I just now remember Steve's reaction to Bucky on the hospital bed, "How is Steve holding up? He looked pretty shaken up when I entered the med wing," I ask. Bucky shifts his gaze away from me and starts to get a little anxious. I grab his right hand and tell him, "You know you can talk to me, right?" 

"I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna say it. Steve and I are dating." He blurts out, looking at the floor.

I roll my eyes realizing how he thinks it is some big secret I had no idea about, "Well it's about time," I tell him, "Sorry bro, but in case your thick head hasn't comprehended, I know you and Steve damn well inside and out. Of course I noticed the way you and Steve act around each other, and I am so happy for both of you," I tell him.

He lets out a large sigh of relief before giving me another hug, "Thanks sis, I love you," he says.

"I love you too," I respond just before my stomach grumbled. "On that note, I think we should head to the kitchen, how long was I out this time anyway?" I ask.

"Um," Bucky responds while shifting around his feet.

"Oh, and what was your mission about today anyway, another Hydra bass?" I ask as we enter the main level where the whole team was sitting anxiously. 

When they saw us they ran over to me. Loki was the first one to tackle me to the floor. 

"Don't you ever scare me like that again Y/N Barnes, do you hear me?" He tells me seriously and affectionately as the rest of the team just watches us. "This whole team falls apart without you, as shown in the past week. Promise me you won't ever leave me, I love you too much for that," he says, obviously forgetting that the team is here but they aren't in hearing range. 

Loki is never this open with anyone other than me. He is still on top of me as I move some hair out of his emerald eyes and I pull his face down to give him a reassuring kiss. 

"I love you too and don't worry I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. But why are you so ... panicked. I just healed Bucky, you know healings only sometimes get me unconscious for a few hours, a day at most. And what do you mean the past week? And what was the mission about anyways?" I ask as Loki helps pull me up as the whole team goes to sit in the living room.

They all look at each other worriedly, "Guys... what is happening, you all are acting really weird." I tell them.

"Well little miss capsicle, first of all, the mission was supposed to be another Hydra bass. Do you remember those creatures we fought a while back that seemed to have electricity and energy powers? As you know we all have been researching them since that mission but we have come up dry." Tony tells me. "They had already taken over the Hydra bass by the time we got there, we were holding our own for the most part as we slowly moved closer to an exit. That is when one of them sneaked up on Steve but Bucky jumped in front of him before the monster could harm capsicle. That is when Bucky got injured. We managed to all get back to the tower and get Bucky to the med wing which is when you came and healed him." he explains suddenly getting a haunted expression on his face.

By this point my knee was bouncy and my hands were fidgeting, I had occasional nightmares about those monsters and what they did to Loki. I hated them for harming him. I didn't tell the team about my nightmares cause there was no need for them to be concerned.

Loki, who was sitting beside me held my hands and said something that shocked me to my core, "Darling, just after Bucky regained consciousness you stopped breathing. We couldn't get a pulse until Wanda looked into your subconsciousness and found a sort of ... virus that was turning your powers against you. Y/N you almost died, for god sake, you were dead for a few short seconds before Wanda destroyed that virus. We think that the remnants of the energy from the monsters that were in Bucky's body went into yours as you healed him and that was the virus. You were out for a week darling," He tells me on the verge of tears. 

I now noticed my eyes started to slightly water just because I saw how much pain the whole team was in. I wiped a tear that escaped his eye before engulfing him in a long hug.

"Well you guys I am here now and I ain't leaving. So I say we do some more research, find these bitches and put an end to them," I say, trying to cheer up the team in an encouraging way. Slowly everyone starts to nod with me.

My stomach rumbles louder half an hour later as we begin to make an action plan about how to find out anything about these things. "All right I'm calling it a night, I need some food and sleep," I say as I leave the briefing room which we had migrated to.

In reality, I just needed some time to clear my head and process what has happened this past week, while eating a bowl of ramen of course. When I finished eating, I decided to read a book in my room to distract my busy mind until I fell asleep mid-chapter.


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