Groceries and Fan Pages

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Usually Tony or Bruce go to deal with the groceries. But the entire team was working 24/7 recently trying to find any information about those creatures we have fought a few times before they strike again. I have not left my desk in over 5 hours, I know I am close to finding out something big. I am halfway through searching a Norse mythology website about different creatures. I didn't even notice anyone come into my room until I heard a knock on the door causing me to let out a surprised yelp. 

I turn around to see Bucky and Peter chuckling at my surprised expression. "What do you guys need? I am so close to a breakthrough, I know it," I tell them as I readjust my messy bun.

"We thought you could use some fresh air and a break from research, so how about you go and get the groceries for the team?" Bucky tells me. 

I hate shopping because it requires so many choices and I don't want to miss something anyone wants. Bruce almost got electrocuted last time he forgot Thor's pop tarts.

I am just about to decline that 'offer' until Peter chimes in, "Loki could come with you?" This causes me to laugh, thinking about what his thoughts would be about a grocery store.

"Fine, but I want a list of everything I need to get," I tell them as I quickly get ready to head out. When I get home I see a bunch of papers spread out on every flat surface with Nat, Clint, Sam, Steve, Loki, and Bucky shuffling around the papers. The rest of the team all prefer virtual research, along with myself. "Mischief boy, you ready?" I shout from across the floor as I get my doc martens on.

Fall is my favorite season and we are at the point in which the brown and green leaves are starting to fall from the trees. Everyone is in sweat pants and hoodies, embracing the fall research vibe. "Ready to go, darling," Loki says as he grabs my hand and we leave the compound.

I look over at Loki and see that he is wearing a dark green sweater with black jeans and black boots. Is there anything this man cannot pull off?

When we reach the store I grab a cart and start filling it up with what was written on the list, making sure I got pop tarts and plums for Thor and Bucky. Loki is down the drink aisle grabbing our favorite brand of tea and hot chocolate. We are walking down the baking aisle getting more supplies for me to bake when Loki starts to ask, "I am still not comprehending why we can't just use our powers to teleport the food to the tower," 

I chuckle knowing he is mostly teasing, mostly. "Well fiancee, that would be stealing and people don't do that because that is illegal and doing illegal things make you a criminal. And we have both already been down that road," I tell him. It is a known thing that I don't openly discuss what I did when I was with Hydra but everyone on the team knows Bucky and I were in a similar boat.

After half an hour of filling the cart, we check out and head back home with the bags filled in our hands. When we are out of sight, we use our magic to shrink the bags into the size of marbles. I put them into my pocket as Loki and I take the scenic route back from the store.

 "Any closer to a breakthrough with the research?" I ask him as we walk through central park. 

"Nothing, it is like these creatures appeared out of thin air," he says while he pulls a hand through his hair, showing he is clearly annoyed that we have not found anything about them. "I do not like how they can mess with your powers. The last time they did when you healed Bucky was more than enough fright to last me for eternity," he admits shyly. It is no secret that Loki is uncomfortable with talking about his feelings. I am in a similar boat. But with each other, it comes more naturally.

I gently stop walking and take both of his hands in mine as I look into his eyes, noticing the fatigue and fear in them. "I know it is not easy or fun being the hero, but we will get through this together, ok? I will not leave you, at least not until I have your name as my last." I tell him as I put my forehead against his and cup his chin while I close my eyes.

He puts his hand over mine before gently expressing how "You always know just what to say, darling? I love you," he tells me as we share a gentle kiss.

It is then that mother nature decides to start to rain causing Loki to conjure up two clear umbrellas. We hold them above our heads as we run back to the compound. I stop for a second using my powers to splash Loki from a puddle nearby. His expression was priceless.

"You are dead darling," he says as he makes the umbrellas disappear making me immediately drenched. He then continues to jump into a ginormous puddle beside me, making us even more wet than we were before if that is possible. 

We run home quickly after and then grow the groceries back to normal size on the kitchen counter. The team all takes a break from research and hangs out in the living room after we ate dinner. The majority of them are in a little huddle laughing their heads off. Whenever Loki or I go over to them they just ignore us. Wanda and Vision made a classic Sokovian soup for dinner.  Thor got a sudden urge for an Asgardian dessert. He used my cookbook that he got me as a gift and started to bake.

When no one was watching Loki and I snuck into the room with my polaroid machine and took a picture of Thor hard at work in the kitchen. It was pretty amusing seeing the god of thunder in an apron. "Looks like he's actually using his strength for something," I whispered to Loki as we hide behind the fridge, looking at Thor kneading the dough.

"Looks like he finally found an enemy he could defeat," He whispered back to me. By this point, we simply collapsed on the ground cackling so hard we could barely breathe. The combination of the developed photo and our jokes was too much to take. 

The team walks over to us and looks down at us curiously. I shove the picture in their face as they all look at each other while snickering with a mischievous glint in their eyes. This makes Loki and I sober up instantly, knowing best of all what comes after that look.

"Speaking of embarrassing photos," Tony trails of as he gets his phone out. Showing us a fan page with a photo that makes Loki freeze and me blush immensely.

"What the hell is this?" Loki asks everyone.

"It seems that when you were sauntering back from the store a couple of fangirls followed you in the park and took some photos of you two," Nat tells us.

On the page were photos of Loki and I holding hands, leaning our foreheads together, and kissing. From when I reassured him I would be ok in central park. Thankfully there was nothing from our water fight in which I used a bit of my powers. Not that it was illegal for us to show our powers but it was not recommended.

"You guys have broken the internet, everyone is in love with you two," Steve says.

I look at the fan page again and notice that it already has over a few million followers already. I groan as I hid my face in my hands. I do not like being the center of attention when I don't know anyone. Not to mention that I am still getting used to the whole internet thing.

"Ah cheer up Y/N there are worse ways to be known," Thor cheerfully states while setting the timer for the dessert.

This makes me hesitate and remember what I was known for before, as a Hydra assassin. I was not as publicly feared as Bucky was but this fan page did not make me any more comfortable with being in the spotlight more no in case people start searching into my past.

"I'm gonna go read ... ya .. bye," I mumble as I rush out of the room heading to Loki and I's library.


Thank you for reading <3

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