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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters other than Y/N


Loki POV:

I had been sitting beside Y/N's bed in the med wing for what felt like years. It had been only a day since we got her back and she had a lot of injuries. I have not slept since she had been taken almost a week ago, so I was definitely worse for wear.

I suddenly felt Y/N stir and I looked up at her face to see her looking at me, "Hey," I said. Her heart rate monitor began to climb and she began to hyperventilate, "Darling look at me, breathe," I said to her while trying to calm her down. "Jarvis, get the team in here," I said while trying to calm her down. Everyone came running in a minute later and was shocked to see her freaking out. 

Y/N does not freak out or break down easily so whenever she does it shocks the whole team. "I think she might be having a panic attack or some PTSD," Bruce said while playing with the monitors. She just kept on repeating that this wasn't real and how she needed to wake up. Bruce then injected her IV line with some anesthetics so she calmed down and went unconscious shortly after. 

When she was asleep everyone was just trying to figure out what was happening. Until Bucky came to a potential conclusion, "When we were at Hydra a scientist would inject her with a torture serum that had her think she was safe with me until she then woke up to find herself back in her cell. That was the hardest thing for her to go through mentally," He said. 

That would make sense based on her reaction and what she was saying. Now we just had to wait until she woke up again and hope we could reason with her. We decided it would be best to have her in her room and for me to be there when she woke up. Bucky would be the next best choice but because he was always there in her illusions it could be harder to convince her she was safe. I carried her up into her room and lied down beside her waiting for her to wake up.


This time I woke up in my room on my bed. I looked to my right and saw Loki next to me again. He was asleep so I just played with his hair until he eventually woke up. Even if this isn't real I might as well enjoy this false sense of safety I thought. When Loki woke up he looked at me and smiles, "Hey darling," he said. "We got you from Hydra you are safe, this isn't a dream or one of those torture experiences you went through, you are safe with me," he said. 

"How do I know this isn't Quirn talking," I asked skeptically refusing to get my hopes up.

After a minute of Loki thinking he looked at me and said, "You know that I am a frost giant and I know that you love me anyway." It was at that moment I let myself believe I was finally safe and I instantly broke down in his arms just crying out all of my fear, pain, and anger for a few minutes. In this time he just held me and said comforting words. 

This was a new thing for me to be vulnerable, the only other person who has seen me cry within the past 70 years that I actually cared about would be Bucky, the rest of the team hasn't seen me have a full-on break down thank god. When I finally calmed down my stomach began to rumble which causes Loki to laugh. Most of my cuts had healed by now aside from my bullet shots in the leg and my shoulder. 

Against Lokis's wishes, I was able to limp down to the kitchen to get a bowl of soup before going back to my room to watch a movie with Loki. He kept on refusing to leave my side. The team was down in the living room which meant they saw me as I went o the kitchen. 

Bucky instantly came over and wrapped me in a loving and protective hug, "I am so sorry I couldn't protect you." He said.

"I am going to stop you right there, I am not mad at you I made that choice to get you guys out of there and I would do it again if I had to," I said. The rest of the team then came over and hugged whilst sharing how happy they all are that I was safe now. 

After we all had a quick catch-up, me and Loki went back to my room as we cuddled and watched a movie. Halfway through the movie, I began to fall asleep with my head on his chest, allowing myself to relax knowing that I was finally safe. 


Thank's for reading! My school has been crazy right now but I will try to put up another chapter this weekend. 

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