Playing in the rain

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Loki POV when Y/N healed Bucky

When I felt her chest stop moving I quickly alerted the whole team as Bruce hooked her up to wires. The whole team raced into the med wing. It was then that I heard her heart flat line, I lost all control of my body as I began to crumble to the ground in disbelief about what is happening in front of my eyes. Thor caught me before I hit the ground and tried to help keep me standing. Wanda rushed over to her and telepathically connected with her.

Within the next minute, Wanda was able to get her pulse back and her vitals stabilized. She explained what she felt to the whole team in the room across the hall from Y/N's. I just sat in the corner staring at the wall, shook at what had just happened. I was this close to losing her ... forever.

"Brother I think you should go and get some rest," Thor tells me. All I can manage to do is shake my head as I walk back to her room and sit beside her bed.

Bucky was a mess as was the entire team. I could tell the team was worried about me but I couldn't care less.

The following day we decided she would wake up when her body was ready so we moved her to her room. I never left her side until on the fifth day when Thor forced me to go have a shower and to eat some food downstairs with the others. Bucky took my spot and stayed with her for the next couple of days.

I had a shower and ate some food before going to sleep in her room where Thor came and got me when I woke up to get me to eat again. I still hadn't spoken a word since she flat-lined which was a week ago now.

I was eating a sandwich in the living room with the whole team. "Brother please talk to us, we are all worried out of our minds about both Y/N and yourself, at least acknowledge us so we know you are somewhat present," Thor told me.

I sighed before responding, "What do you want me to say, I saw the only woman I loved stop breathing in my arms and now we don't know whe..."

It was then that we heard the elevator doors open and I saw Bucky and Y/N walk out as she was asking him questions. Within a millisecond I had her in my arms on the floor before I began to ramble off to her about how scared I was of losing her. I made sure that no one else could hear us because I'll be damned if Stark teases me for having a soft spot for this girl. Even though it is very, very obvious I do.

As the team filled her in on what happened to her, it was no surprise she was shocked. She excused herself after we all caught up, saying she was tired and wanted to go relax. I knew that she wanted some time for herself so the team stayed in the living room and ate dinner. When we finished I went up to Y/N's room to check on her. 

I saw her lying in her bed with the lights still on and a book on her chest. I chuckled at this scene before using my magic to turn off the lights and place the book on the nightstand. I lied down beside her and pulled a blanket over us before going to sleep with her in my arms.


I woke up surprisingly early in my room. I felt Loki lying down beside me before I snuck out of my bed to go to the gym. I decided to not wake him up knowing he hadn't slept well when I was still unconscious, so I wanted him to rest up. When I made it down to the gym I saw Steve pounding on a punching bag.

"Sorry to interrupt you, soldier, any chance you want a sparring partner?" I asked sarcasticly.

He chuckled before turning to me, "I suppose, even though it won't be much of a challenge," Steve claimed.

"Oh, it is so on," I told him as we began to spar, best out of three.

I had won the first round and he won the second. We were just about to begin the final round when we heard a familiar voice in the entryway, "Well I am hurt, my two favourite old people fighting behind my back," Bucky said.

"Final round, every man or woman for themselves, winner takes all," Steve says as we square up.

Bucky and I followed our usual routine of teaming up on Steve to get him out of the boundaries of the square, leaving us two. We do this every time since the 40's so you would expect Steve to have caught on by now. Now that it was Bucky and I, he went for my leg with his right arm which I blocked and counterattacked by pinning his arm to the ground with my foot. He tackled me from the angle he was stuck in until I kicked him off me and jumped up. We continued for 15 minutes until I did one of my favourite moves Nat taught me. I hooked my legs around his neck and swung him to the ground and pinned him. He flipped us over but I used my powers to push him against the wall and not let him move. 

Steve was laughing his ass off at Bucky because he just got beat by his younger sister. "Sorry bro, but I guess I'm the better Barnes," I joked.

"if that's the case, at least you have me," Steve said as he came over and kissed Bucky's cheek.

"Good to see that the fossils, still have some life left in them," we heard from a certain billionaire.

We turned around and saw the whole team at the entrance chuckling. "So Wanda and I were thinking that," Nat said, "These past few months have been a little haywire, so what if we were to have a fun scavenger hunt around central park this weekend to get our minds off of everything. We could set up random teams which switch at each pit stop and the winning team gets a prize,' She tells everyone.

"I think that would be really fun," I say.

"I agree with lady Y/N," Thor cheers.

"Great so we will start on Saturday but right now we will pair up the teams for the first of three legs," Wanda says.

We put our names in a hat and all draw one. I have Thor, Tony is with Vision, Steve is with Nat, Bucky was ecstatic to have Sam, Clint has Bruce and lastly Peter is with Loki. Wanda was just going to float around and join some teams and make sure it all went as planned. I laughed so hard when I saw Peter draw Loki's name, even though everyone accepts and socializes with Loki now, some people are still a little freaked out about his powers and his mischievous behavior. But I think that Peter and Loki would be a great fit because peter is so social and friendly he could get through Loki's tough exterior.

Before heading down to breakfast I have a quick shower and clean my room. Just as I was putting away a blanket I was tackled to the floor and felt someone start to tickle me. "LOKI," I yelled as I managed to escape his grasps. I sprinted out of my room and around the compound. I went down to the living room where the whole team was and tried to hide in the kitchen. 

Loki came running in out of breath and the whole team just pointed to the counter I was hiding below, "Well thanks a lot guys!" I yelled as I ran out into the hall and went outside. Even though it was raining I ran through the garden and hid behind a tree before getting tackled into a puddle. 

I just showered and now I was covered in mud, "Oh you are so dead," I said as I grabbed a handful of mud and shoved it in his hair. That caused him to sober up.

Before you knew it we were hucking mud and water at each other using our magic. When Loki had his back turned to me I lept at him and got him covered in the mud. We both were laughing our heads off as he brushed mud out of my hair before giving me a short kiss. 

"As much fun as this is, what the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"Well, darling you looked so focused in your room I thought you could lighten up a little bit, especially after this week's events. And so I could tell you I love you," he tells me.

"I love you too," I tell him.

We then hear cheering as we look up and see the team looking through a window with Tony recording us. I flipped them off as we headed back inside to once again have a shower.


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