Rescue Mission

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Loki POV

After what felt like hours, we were finally landing the Quinjet in the forest surrounding the area where the necklace's location was. Even though the team had made a strategy of who would do what, I was not waiting another second when Y/N could be in danger. 

Thor, Bucky, Steve, and I all went through the main entrance while Tony, Sam, and Vision were in the air around the bass. Peter, Natasha, Wanda, and Clint went through the back entrance. Bucky and Steve were mission partners checking all of the rooms on the right side. Thor and I checked all the rooms on the left side of the main hallway we were racing down. None of the rooms had Y/N in them, we four were talking about what to do next when we heard a scream that I instantly recognized. 

Thor instantly knew what I was about to do and didn't want me to go alone, "Loki No!" he said but I was already gone.

I teleported to the location of the scream and saw a sight I never wanted to know. Y/N was there with bullet shots in her shoulder and her leg, countless bleeding cuts, needles in her arms and large bruising around her neck. Numerous guards raced towards me but they were all dead within seconds. I broke Y/N's cuffs and chains, Thor, Steve, and Bucky all raced in seeing her injured body in my arms. "Darling you're ok, I'm here," I said. 

She was so close to unconsciousness that she was not comprehending what I was saying. She was in so much pain that I put my hand on her head and cast a small sleeping spell so her pain would not bother her.

"Oh shit," Bucky said as he looked around in anger, thinking about what these people did to his sister. "She needs medical attention, we need to go right now," he said as we began running out of the Hydra bass.

We finally all got back onto the Quinjet and Bruce was tending to Y/N's numerous injuries who was on a medical bed. I sat beside her holding her hand still in shock about the events that just occurred. I jumped when I felt a hand on my should, "Brother she will be ok, she is a fighter," Thor said as he looked at me reassuringly. Natasha, Clint, and Wanda were all just sitting there in shock looking at her. Tony was flying the plane with Peter sitting up front with him because they both needed a distraction. Vision was comforting Wanda. Thor was sitting with me next to her bed. Then there was Bucky trying to jump out of the plane to go kill every guard in that bass. 

Bucky kept on yelling, "Let me go! You saw what they did to her!" 

Steve then held Bucky's head, "Hey, look at me, she is safe now ok? She is going to be ok and you will be no help to her or me if you are dead. neither of us can lose you," Steve said as they looked into each other's eyes before embracing in a loving hug. I would have to investigate that later but right now my priority was Y/N.


It has now been 5 days since I was taken and an hour since the stupid guard activated my tracker when he strangled me by the neck. Dr. Quirn now had brought in two more guards and was injecting me with another round of torture serum whilst also cutting me with numerous knives. "Tell me about the Avenger's secrets!" he yelled.

"Go to hell," I responded for the hundredth time just as he stabbed me in my shoulder that still had the bullet in it. I screamed so loud I felt my vocal cords strain. I began hallucinating when the serum took effect. This was my least favorite torture method that they have used on me, they make me believe I am safe only to wake up and be in this cell. I thought that Loki was there but I knew that couldn't be possible because the tracker had only just been activated. I was writhing in pain until I began to feel very tired and I finally went to sleep.

I began to slowly wake up and looked around me to see I was back at the Avengers compound in the Med wing. My heart began to skip a beat in the thought that I was safe but then I remember this was only a dream and I would wake up soon to be back at Hydra. "hey," I heard someone say. I looked to my right and saw Loki who was holding my hand. I began to hyperventilate knowing that this wasn't real, I tried to wake up but I couldn't I could not handle being teased with this false sense of reality and safety. 

My heart rate began to climb on the monitor I was apparently plugged into. "darling look at me breathe," Loki said but this only freaked me out even more. I vaguely remember Loki calling for Bruce and the rest of the team who quickly came running into the room. As I saw the team I began to shake in fear. The last time that Dr. Quirn did this, I only saw Bucky because that was the only person Dr. Quirn knew. If I was seeing all of the team that means that Dr. Quirn knows them all meaning that they might be captured or in danger. 

I was crying and freaking out repeating, "this isn't real, this isn't real, wake up," until I began to feel very tired and I fell asleep.


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