Game Night

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After everyone had a few drinks, Asgardian liquor for the gods and super soldiers. We all loosened up and decided to play never have I ever. We all start with 10 candies and you eat one for everything you have done. Steve decided to start the questions off, "Never have I ever blacked out from having too many drinks," he says.

Tony eats a candy, obviously, followed by Thor, Sam, Bucky, Loki, Clint, and myself. "Everyone makes sense, but I do not see Y/N as a partier," Peter says.

Bucky and Steve laugh remembering how I was before we enlisted in the war, "Back in the day, you all would have been surprised by Y/N's party side." Steve tells the group while laughing remembering my 18th birthday party, which consisted of Steve, Bucky, and myself.

"It was one time, my bad for having fun on my 18th birthday," I yell.

"Never have I ever thrown up after a ride," I say remembering Steves 'incident' on Coney Island after going on the tilt a whirl. Bucky and I beat him up about it for days.

Bucky laughs as we see Steve take a candy, followed by Tony and Peter. Tony technically threw up after a ride because he was so drunk but we counted it. Peter threw up after a ride because of one too many deep-fried Oreos. 

"Never have I ever spent an entire day shopping for one outfit," Peter says. Natasha, Wanda, and I all take the candy and that causes Vision, Bruce, and Loki to all take one as well because we forced the guys to come to help us pick out dresses before a mission so we would all match our dates suits.

Vision thinks for a minute before saying, "Never have I ever fought in a war that was not part of a mission," Bucky, Steve, Thor, Loki, and I all take a candy.

"Never have I ever cried during a movie," Loki says. Nat and Wanda take candy from a girl's night when we had some drinks and watched the Notebook. Natasha only cried because she was a little drunk and had a fight earlier that day with Bruce but it still counts. What made everyone's jaw drop was when we saw Thor and Peter trying to sneak candy. Thor's excuse was that he saw a movie with a pet that died. Peter cried after Yoda died in star wars. Loki and I laugh so hard as we high five at his hilarious question, obviously setting up Thor for humiliation

After a few more rounds Tony only had 2 left, Bucky, Loki, and I had 3 followed by the rest of the team that was all between 4-7.

It was Natasha's turn and I already didn't like her smirk as she said, "Never have I ever had sex in this room," It was crickets aside from Loki and I trying to sneak a candy without anyone seeing. The second everyone sees our hand they all start laughing and yelling at us about how gross that is.

I was blushing so hard as I hid my face in Loki's chest as he just laughs at my reaction. "It was when everyone else was out on a mission alright and chill we used our magic to keep it sanitary," he says. "Unlike that time in the gym," he mumbles under his breath.

I slap his head as we laugh at everyone's horrified expressions.

It is Wanda's turn, she could get Tony down to one like us but instead, she says, "Never have I ever been to Asgard," Loki, Thor, and I all take a candy leaving Loki and I with 1.

The last person to go is Bucky his question is, "Never have I ever been engaged." 

Clint and Tony take their candies as well as Loki and I who share a kiss after. "Alright, we win," I say.

"Actually, you and reindeer games lost," Tony says smirking.

Loki stands up beside me and puts an arm around my shoulders as I say, "Technically we won..."

"Because we have done most of the questions that have been asked. Which means we have," Loki says, finishing my sentence.

"Lived the most exciting lives so far which means..." I say, finishing his.

"We win," Loki and I say together as he kisses my head.

We laugh at their blank expressions. "I can see why he put a ring on it," Nat mumbles to Wanda making us laugh.

"Alright how about a quick round of truth or dare," Tony says. We all agree and sit back down. The soberest people at this point would be me, Loki, Bucky, and Steve. Bucky and Steve were not in the party mindset tonight so they were only a little tipsy. While Loki and I wanted to remember our engagement night. Us 4 were also the ones to be on call in case a mission came up while the rest were drunk.

Vision aks Wanda, Nat, and I a truth, "Who do you all find the most attractive other than your current spouse?" He says. Wanda points to Bucky, Nat points to Steve and I point to Thor. 

Loki tenses by my side until I hold his hand that is resting on my shoulder as I whisper into his ear, "Don't worry, he's not my type. I have a soft spot for the dark horse," I tell him causing him to shudder under my breathe which makes me kiss his cheek and giggle.

Steve stands up and asks out loud, "Raise your hand if you have ever heard Y/N Barnes giggle? Chuckle yes but giggle? Nope," he says as he looks at me and Loki which makes me blush. 

"And now she is blushing! Loki you have done a number on this girl," Wanda jokes until I use my powers to make her slap herself lightly. "haha, very mature," she says. But she sits back down nonetheless.

Sam now goes, "Bucky, truth or dare?" 

"Truth," Bucky says because we all know Same would have a killer dare for him.

"What is your worst memory?" he says. The room goes quiet.

I instantly tense up and start to breathe faster as I already know his answer. Before I know it I am back in that prison with Bucky, as the doctors stand outside the glass observing us as Bucky and I fight each other; like mindless, brainwashed drones. I was injured that day so Bucky had a very easy time beating me as the Winter Soldier and beating me up a little bit after that. I jerk back to reality as I feel Loki kneeling in front of me with my face in his hands. "Hey darling you're alright, your with me," he says as I look around and see Bucky and Steve aren't in the room anymore. I know Steve will handle Bucky and help calm him down after Sam's drunk question so I don't need to worry about them.

I look around and see everyone in their normal seats looking at me and Loki with concern on their faces. Tony steps in noticing the change in the mood and says, "Alright I think that enough games for tonight, lets head to bed and try to minimize our hangovers that will be there tomorrow." Everyone goes to bed after one final congrats to me and Loki, even though my head isn't in the right mindset at the time. I look around and see Bucky and Steve are already gone. 

"How are you feeling?" Loki asks me as we go to our room.

I sigh and put a hand through my hair, "I'm fine now honestly, Sam was just being a drunk dumbass and I know Steve will calm down Bucky," I tell him. "I know his worst memory was when the Hydra doctors forced him and me to fight when we were brainwashed. One day I was already injured from experiments earlier on that day so Bucky easily beat me up. He was so guilty after he came to he almost killed himself" I tell Loki. "If he wasn't there I would not have made it out of Hydra alive," I say. "But that is all the past and I have you and Bucky and this amazing family," I state while I give him a loving kiss.

"Alright, I can tell you are genuinely alright so I won't push. besides I don't want to ruin tonight, after all, we are engaged," he says to me as we enter our room.

"Y/N Barnes Laufeyson has a nice ring to it. I love you," I tell him as we get ready for bed. 

I go to sleep with my head on his chest as I hear him say, "Goodnight, my love,"


That was a fun chapter to write. Sorry, I didn't upload one this week, it took me a while to finish this one. Please comment and save the story! <3

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