
593 22 6

Edited 5-11-15

Hey guys!

Dedicated to the readers in Iraq!

Picture is the softball/baseball Felicity catches;)

Song is Tell Her You Love Her by Echosmith:)



Felicity -

Night was quickly approaching when Mercury went up to bat so people put up lights around the field so we could see, I'm not sure why they used Christmas lights, but it made it really pretty.

After catching the ball and laughing at Mercury, I lift the ball in my hand seeing it split, I didn't think anything of it at first since we've gone through almost 30 baseballs and softballs for the game since we use our wolf strength when we bat, but something shiny caught my eye before I threw the ball back.

I open slowly, but not before I see everyone in the outfield smiling at me and Mercury slowly making his way towards me. Looking down, I gasp softly, realizing what it was with Mercury now standing in front of me.

It was a gorgeous diamond ring in the ball.

Mercury grabs the ball from my frozen hands and slowly gets down on one knee and holds my hands in his.

"Felicity Rose Chapman, you're the most amazing, beautiful, witty, funny, smart-mouthed girl, I've ever met. I'm over the moon that you're the person I'm spending the rest of my life with, I just needed to put a ring on it." I laugh softly with tears in my eyes. "You probably knew this was coming, but not now, right?" I nod my head, "good, I've been planning this for a few days now, so, I have one question for you," he pauses and laughs lightly as I raise a brow at him. "Will you, Felicity Rose Chapman, do me the honor, of being my Yang, to be my rock, to be my bestfriend forever, to be my wife?" Everyone awe's at his speech, I slowly pull him up.

"I thought you'd never ask." I say smiling widely as he puts the ring on my finger with happy tears in his eyes. He lifts me in his arms and spins me around as everyone from the pack is around us clapping and hooting. We look around and smile, he then looks at me and kisses me.

I look at him and smile widely, he smiles back with tears still in his eyes.

"What's up? I'm not crying anymore," I say wiping his cheeks, he shakes his head and grabs my hands and looks at the ring on my finger.

"I just," he sighs, "I thought you were going to say no...." I furrow my brows at him.

"And, why would I do that?" I say shaking my head, he looks up at me.

"Because you were mad at me...." I roll my eyes at him and scoff.

Finding Myself In The ForestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang