
985 35 3

Edited 4-27-15

Dedicated to @zaro_cute8

Picture is Felicity without her glasses!

Song is Sleepyhead by Passion Pit:)




Felicity -

I hate this

I hate mornings

I hate getting up early

I hate training

I hate the stupid prophecy

I hate Mercury for getting me up early

Stupid mate trying to kill me an-

"Felicity, I can hear your thoughts, you know that, right?" I hear Mercury chuckle taking me out of my mental rant. I roll my eyes and stalk over to him.

He woke me up at 4:30AM, 4:30AM PEOPLE!

Pretty sure this should be illegal to be awake at this time.

Standing in front of him in my bright purple sports bra with green and blue shorts and my orange Nike shoes, my hair in a high pony tail, I put my hands on my hips and raise a tired brow at him.

He smirks and shrugs his head, motioning me to follow, I shrug and begin to walk behind him as we walk out of the large training room that looks like a super fancy workout gym and out into the large field outside.

"What we gon' do," I say in a strange accent which ends with Mercury lightly laughing.

"You, my dear" he points to me, "are going to run around the field 15 times."

I'm pretty sure my eyes almost went out of it's sockets, "15? W-w-why?!" I sputter out leaving my mouth agape.

He rolls his eyes, "because this is the easiest thing you can do in training right now, running, next we're doing push-ups, fighting techniques, bar bells, weights, lunch-"

"Wait, all that, BEFORE lunch?!" He nods, "I'm going to die, that's it, I must accept that I'm going to die, tell Parker I love him and that he better not touch my special stash of food." I say dramatically, laughing with Mercury.

"Now, go Felicity." He states, power emitting from him, I groan loudly and begin running.

~~25 Minutes Later~~

"Good job Felicity, you did it!" Mercury says clapping, I roll my eyes and bend down trying to get my breath back.

"Let's go! We got push-ups!" Mercury says excitedly and begins walking to the gym, panting like a dog without water on a hot summers day, I slowly follow him. With one thought in my mind,

I'm. Going. To. Die.


Mercury -

"Come on Felicity! One more!" I yell to her as she groans and slowly goes back down with the weights and pulls them up again, I clap, "great, now we have lunch!" I say kissing her sweaty cheek and heading to the kitchen with her holding hands.

I look through the fridge while Felicity sits down at the island in the kitchen, "hey Felicity, what do you wa-" I stop myself looking at her, she fell asleep!

Rolling my eyes, I walk over and pick her up 'bridal style' and carry her to my bedroom.

Setting her carefully on my bed, I put the covers over her and walk out of the room and into my office at the end of the hall.

"Work, here I come" I mutter unenthusiastically to myself as I walk in and sit at my desk with papers covering it.


Felicity -

"Umm, hello?" I say awkwardly in the long dark hallway, hearing footsteps at the end, I quickly make my way down there, turning right, I see a door close, rushing over I open the door and walk into the room.

It's dark

I can't see anything, until one light in the center of the room with a person standing in the center with their head bowed so I can't see him/her.

Slowly, I walk over to them, realizing it's an older man with balding hair and an old white shirt with stains on it and blue jeans, "h-hello? you alright, sir?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder, his head shoots up looking at me with piercing brown eyes, I can't help but gasp at who it is.

"D-dd-dad?" I stutter quietly.

"Yes dear, I'm fine, but you," he says pointing at me, "are not. You're in danger, and so are those people that tried to help you with the Blood Wolf."

I furrow my brows, "they destroyed it, it's gone and done, I'm fine, they're fine."

He shakes his head, "no my dear, you're dead wrong."

"How am I wrong? I was there when they killed it."

He laughs lightly, "sweetie, they didn't kill it, they spread it."

Sitting up quickly, I let out a shriek and clutch my chest and the sheets, in seconds Mercury bursts into the room with dark eyes looking around the room then me.

"Felicity? What's wrong?" He says quickly sitting beside me on the bed, tears brimming my eyes, I shake my head and put a hand over my mouth, he slowly pulls me into a hug and I situate myself to sit in his lap while he holds my crying and shaking body murmuring sweet nothings in my ear.

Minutes pass and I begin to calm down, "what happened?" He asks in a whisper.

I shake my head, "we need everyone who fought the Blood Wolf, now." I state getting off his lap and heading to the door, stopping to mind link everyone to go into Mercurys' office.


Parker -

"Mom, please come back, Felicity misses you, I miss you, she's fine now! Our wolves did it!" I exclaim into the phone to our mom, I hear her sigh,

"Parker, you don't- wait, did you say your wolves killed Blood Wolf?"

I furrow my brows, "yeah mom, besides the point, yo-"

"No, you listen here Parker James, everyone who fought the wolf is in danger, serious danger, you understand me?" She says quickly,

"yeah mom I understand, but how? We killed it."

I hear her sigh,

"No, honey, you didn't kill it, you spread it."


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