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Edited 4-16-15

Dedicated to @read_write_love_life for voting! Thank you!!

Picture is the Blood Wolf!

Song is Ready, Aim, Fire by Imagine Dragons:)



Felicity -

What the....?

"Guys?" I say loudly, but they can't hear me.

I look around to see I'm just in a small field with my wolf and another wolf like mine, but its eyes are blood red, as are its nails and the tip of its tail and the spot on its chest.

I try to run over there, but I can't move, I try not to panic, but it quickly settles in, trying to set my mind off, I look over at Toyaz and the Blood Wolf. They're circling each other.

I hear rustling to my right, glancing over I see, Kotu, Lance, and 5 other wolves, 2 of them were very large and their aura emitted power.

"Ben? Bethel?" I say quietly, they don't seem to hear me, all of them quickly run over and circle the Blood Wolf like Toyaz is.

I couldn't help but close my eyes as Ben and Bethel charge Blood Wolf from the front with Lance and 3 other wolves charge the back, Kotu on one side and Toyaz charging the other all at once.

All I heard was snarling, barking, bones breaking, sloppy noises, growls, whimpering and finally a loud yelp.

I open my eyes slowly to see everyone in a circle around the Blood Wolf, who seems to be dead, well it's dead, obviously, since I glanced around the circle, coated in blood, bones, and I think I saw an ear and a leg.

Shakily, I sit down and watch everything slowly fade into darkness.

Kotu -

"Everyone ready?" I mind link to my parents' wolves, Garrots wolf, Tristans wolf, Jewels' wolf and Parkers' wolf. Everyone nods and we head into a small field to see Toyaz and the Blood Wolf circling each other.

'How's it going?' I mind link to Toyaz, she glances at me and snarls,

'it's great, fantastic actually, we're going to have some pizza in a few minutes. HOW DO YOU THINK?! This is Felicitys' last chance!' Lightly laughing, I begin to circle Blood Wolf and everyone falls in suit.

We continue circling the wolf until I give the command, the one word that has so much power.


My parents charge in front of Blood Wolf, Garrot, Jewels, Tristan and Parker charge behind and me and Toyaz get either side.

Snarling, Blood Wolf circles to face Toyaz and jumps barring it's teeth at her, but I bite down on it's hind leg and clamp down, hard til I hear it's bone break. The wolf crumbles to the ground, but continues snarling at Toyaz to has a wolfy smirk on her face, taunting the wolf. With it's leg still in my mouth, I tug at it and shake it like a toy until I hear the flesh rip along with the fur, following a loud whimper from Blood Wolf, I toss it's leg away from us as everyone else goes in and begins to tear it apart.

Toyaz lowly growls, everyone backs up so she can finish the job. Blood Wolf on the ground, barely breathing, watching Toyaz step up to it with it's glassy eyes.

Toyaz bites hard into it's chest, a loud yelp comes from the wolf, tearing it's chest open with her teeth and claws, Toyaz rips it's heart out.

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