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Edited 4-27-15

Picture is the balloons

Song is The Call by Regina Spektor

Prepare for tissues! I teared up writing this.



Felicity -


That's all I ever felt the past week until Mercury came into the room I was in and carried me to his room.

When I woke up a little bit ago, Parker and Tristan were in the room, like last time except they looked happier, like, really happy.

They've tried giving me something to eat, but Toyaz and I are still feeling hurt and sick, I mean, he didn't say he forgave me or anything just that he wouldn't reject me.... Now what?

"Luna, you need to eat, you're in his room! That should make you feel at least a little better, right?" Tristan says with a smile, I shrug and put the spoon back in the bowl of cereal on my lap and look out the window.

Man I wish he was here.....

"Fel, you gotta eat." He says as I see Parker and Tristan closing the door leaving me and Mercury alone.

I felt Toyaz brighten up but I still feel sick and dead.

He sighs and sits next to me on the bed looking at the floor then meets my eyes, I flinched a little, his eyes held so much sadness....

I really am horrible.

He stands and walks over to his bathroom, leaving the door open.

He can't even look at me anymore....

I sigh and turn around, swinging my legs over the bed and prepare to walk out the door. Standing slowly, I take maybe 2 steps when my legs give out, I didn't have time to prepare for impact, but there wasn't even any impact except two hands wrapping around me and pulling me up.

"What were you doing? Are you crazy? You're too weak Felicity just lay back down." Mercury says quickly and sets me back on the bed, I sigh and turn my back to him, I hear him sigh and felt his arms around me again and lift me up.

Great, he's kicking me out.  I think as he walks, but stops and turns towards the bathroom. 

"Merc?" I say quietly, my voice still hoarse, he flinches a little, "yeah, Fel?"

"What are we doing?"

He smiles a little but stops it, "I'm giving you a bath." He states, setting me down on the toilet and lifting up my shirt, I try to stop him but I'm too weak, leaving me in my blue bra and gray underwear.

He gulps, "of course in your underwear, you said you want to wait til marriage and I'll wait." He says smiling at me, I relax a little, but am still on edge, is he going to reject me after leading me on?

He lifts me up again and sets me gently in the warm bath water. I sigh in content when he starts rubbing my head, I'm feeling better already. Toyaz begins purring in content as well but quickly decides to take over.

But instead of the regular movie playing thing, it's black and quiet...



Mercury -

As I rubbed her hair, she closed her eyes and opened them again, revealing bright purple eyes, she turns to me quickly with fear in her face, Kotu growls at that. 

Finding Myself In The ForestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant