
980 35 8

Edited 4-27-15

Dedicated to @cupcake142414 for voting! Thanks darlin'!

Picture is Ben, Bethel, Jewels, and Garrots' wolves!

Song is Fix You by Coldplay


Love ya darlins!



Felicity -

"Alright, is everyone that fought here?!" I say loudly to Parker, who looked pale, Jewels, Garrot, Tristan and Mercury, they all shake their heads, I furrow my brows and open my mouth to ask who, when Mercurys office door slams open with a panting Ben and Bethel and, my mother?

"Mom, I'm sorry but this is-"

"Hush your mouth child, I know that's why I'm here to help you idiots." She snaps at me, everyone growls at her, never disrespect a Luna.

"Fine, close the door we need to discuss this with only the 9 of us, alright?" Everyone mutters a 'yes Luna' I smile, "good, now I had a dream with my da-"

"Felicity mom told me earlier, we spread the stupid wolf. But how?" Parker interrupts me earning growls from everyone, I couldn't help but let a tiny laugh escape, I love these guys.

"True, but I know how we spread it." I state lowly, Parker furrows his brows, Mercury then speaks up,

"and I told her how," puffing his chest out and smiling proudly.

I roll my eyes, "yeah Merc, tell em."

He sighs, any positive emotion now erased. "When we came back to the field and started cleaning our paws and nuzzles, we swallowed it's blood." Everyones eyes widen in shock and realization.

I turn to my mother while everyone takes it in.

"Mom, what can we do?"

She sighs, "you need to be locked up, except you Felicity, since it's not in you anymore, and I know where, we must go quickly or they will change here and destroy the pack!" She says and with that begins running down the hall to the front door with us close behind.

Getting in our separate cars, we begin to follow my mother.


"The house?" I say with doubt in my voice.

"Follow me." Mom states and begins to head to the backyard with us following in suit. I glance at Mercury and Parker, who make faces and shrug.

Once we step in the backyard we stop, but she keeps walking ahead to, the hot tub?

"Mom! That thing was broken when we moved in, remember?" Parker says to her as he walks towards her. She sends him a glare and picks up one of the white tiles that made up the tub, all of us gasping at what happens.

"A secret entrance? Seriously? Dude, this is like SPY KIDS!" Ben says smiling widely, we all turn to him with surprise and shock, I mean, Spy Kids? Haven't heard that name in years!

He looks at us, "what? Mercury used to watch it all the time, over and over, he always wanted to be the sister and-"

"DAD!" Mercury shouts at him while everyone is holding their stomachs laughing, I recover before everyone to see him pouting.

I walk over and give him a hug, he immediately relaxes and hugs me back, "it's not a big deal hun, it's actually kind of cute." I say winking at him and walking over to my mom who was impatiently waiting for us.

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