
573 24 4

Edited 5-11-15


It's the end, I'm sad to say goodbye, but I'm also excited for the other stories, thank you guys for voting and keep it up! I'm so happy that people want to read my stories, I really love you guys!

Song is Miracles by Coldplay:)

Last shout out to Japan! Thanks for reading!

Please read my other stories:)



Felicity (10 years later)  -

"Benji, I told you, no invisibility when playing hide and seek!" I exclaim to my middle triplet, his big brown eyes come into view with his light blonde hair, he stomps his tiny foot and pouts.

"But mom! Emma is shifting and Robin is using his x-ray vision and flies around! That's not fair!" He waves his arms around, I roll my eyes and decide to call all the children down.

"Emma and Robin, get down here this instant!" I use my Luna voice.

"Yes," Robin says politely as he walks into the room and stands next to his younger twin while Emma walks in as a kitten and crawls up Robin and sits on his shoulder and shifts into a parrot.

"Emma," I point to her, "shift, now." She jumps off her oldest brother and shifts into her dark brown blue eyed self while Robin stands with his bright blue eyes and shaggy brown hair like Emma.

"You guys know the rules, no powers when playing games, it's not fair, now apologize to each other." I say folding my arms, the triplets apologize quietly without looking at each other.

I wave my hand at them, "now hug." They roll their eyes and get in a group hug, I quickly run over and hug them all and pick them up hearing them groan in protest.

I begin to set them down when hands wrap around my waist  and pick me up as soon as the kids are on the ground. I squeal and giggle at Mercurys actions he laughs in my ear.

"Hey guys, hey sweetie." He tells us as he kisses my cheek.


Emma (8 years later) -

"Robin knock it off!" I yell in our mind link as Robin uses his x-ray vision to check out the girls at school on our first day back from summer, one last year.

Robin glances at me and smirks, "I can't help it sis, these girls are to die for, I would do any girl here....." he trails off and quickly walks off towards the library,

I furrow my brows and mind link Benji to follow him in his invisibility, hearing his agreement, I head to class.

Mom and Dad are still acting like they're teens in love, which I think is adorable like Benji, but Robin is grossed out by mates and stuff, whatever.

Uncle Parker and Aunt Amanda adopted some kids since Amanda found out she was infertile, poor thing.

Uncle Tristan and Aunt Jewels are good also, they have a couple kids but decided to homeschool them.

Then there's Uncle Garrot and Aunt Paula, their kids go to our school but they're in a different grade since we're older than them.

Robins the player, sadly, he didn't wait for his mate, poor dear.

Benji's waiting but he's had his share of girlfriends.

Then me, pure virgin, like, not even my first kiss virgin.

But with our powers, we can't really focus on relationships til our mates, except Robin and a little of Benji.


Sorry it's short but that's it guys, that's the end of Felicity and Mercury!

I'm so happy you guys were here on Felicitys journey!

Do you guys want a sequel with the kids?

Please vote and comment!!!


Finding Myself In The ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora