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Edited 4-16-15

The picture is Jewels!

The song is Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presely:)




The next day at school was a complete blur, well, it was a blur until lunch happened. 

"Yeah, I know she's been spacing out all day." I hear Jewels say to Garrot as we sit at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria. 

"AY FELLY!" I hear two shouts in my hears, I snap out of it and clutch my ears scrunching my face up, looking at my 2 close friends. 

"What?" I ask irritably.

"You've been out of it all day Felicity, you alright?" Garrot says to my right with Jewels nodding her head across from me.

"Yeah, just been thinking I guess." I say finishing my PB & J sandwich. I glance around the cafeteria and see something that hurt.

Jennifer on Mercury's lap, with her doing some naughty stuff you wouldn't do in public with him.

I hear two low growls and turn around at Garrot and Jewels who are glaring at Mercury, I gasp when I see both of their eyes go pitch black.

"Guys, do I need to call someone? You alright? What's going on?" I say quickly grabbing both their faces, their eyes go back to Jewels' greenish brown and Garrots goes back to his usual dark eyes.

"Uh, yeah, everythings good, I gotta go." Jewels says quickly and rushes out of the cafeteria. I glance at Garrot suspiciously.

When he began to look nervous he glances behind me and says loudly, "Jewels, wait up! Sorry Felicity I, uh, we gotta go."

With that, he runs after Jewels, leaving me alone.

"Great." I mutter to myself, standing and heading to my locker.

Once I'm their I grab my things I need for my afternoon classes and close my locker, when Jennifer is right behind it, glaring at me.

"Hello Felicity. I see your glasses are fixed, such a shame." She says snapping her fingers together shaking her head.

"What do you want now?" I say getting down to the point. Too many weird stuff has happened the past week I've lived here and I'm getting really sick of it.

She gasps, "oh, Felicity! Is that anyway to talk to your future Luna?" She smirks, I furrow my brows at her,


"JENNIFER" I hear Mercury's voice boom down the hall, her eyes widen watching him stride down the hall towards us.

He stops in front of her and glares, but then both their eyes glaze over and Jennifer looks like she's about to burst.

"WHAT?!" She shouts at Mercury.

"Yes Jennifer." He says sternly.

"Impossible! That's never happened." She says smugly glaring at me.

"Yes. Now. Leave." He says with power.

Where did that come from?

She stamps her foot, shooting one more glare at me then turns and walks down the hall.

"Sorry, Felicity, she's a slut." Mercury says after she's out of hearing.

"Then," I start boldly, "if she's a slut, does that make you one also?" I quirk a brow up as he glares at me with his eyes flickering between blue and black.

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