"I missed performing." Jade said while we were sitting on the stage only imagining how filled it will be later on.

"Me too." I said. Jesy Leigh and Perrie were in the lounge room together while we waited here till we finally started our sound check.

"How's it going with Perrie?" Jade asked.

"Well we kind of took it a step further." I stated and immediately regretted how wrong that sounded.

Jade's reaction only confirmed my assumptions.

"You had sex?!" She exclaimed. My entire face was burning red.

"No you idiot." I said and hit her arm.

"Ow! You just said that!" She huffed.

"No I said that we took it a step further not that we had sex." I said whispering the last part.

"What else could you mean?" Jade asked.

"How are you the brains of our group?" I asked quite frustrated. She smacked the back of my head and I glared at her.

"Just tell me bitch." She said.

"We said I love you to each other." I finally said.

Jade's eyes widened and a smile stretched across her face. Then it turned into a smirk.

"Aw, has little Beth finally confessed her undying love for a certain blonde?" She mocked.

They all love to remind me that I'm not as 'Badass' or 'Tough' as I claim to be. I never even said I was. They always say so.

"Shut up. How are you enjoying your single life?" I asked knowing exactly what she has been up to lately.

"Well unlike you, baby Beth, I have an active sex life." She said and I started laughing. That she has indeed.

"I don't understand how you and Perrie have literally tension that could be cut with a knife, with the way you two eye fuck each other, but still haven't gotten it on." She said.

"Well maybe because I'm not ready? Unlike you lot I haven't done that yet." I said and was kinda embarrassed to tell her.

I'm freaking twenty three years old and haven't ever had sex yet. Not to mention my first kiss which was almost a year ago. It's really embarrassing.

I was actually surprised Perrie didn't laugh at me when I told her she was my first kiss.

"I'm sorry." Jade said regretfully. "I didn't know, but there's nothing you need to be embarrassed of babe. It's completely fine. I think it's actually good that you kept your first time for someone special. Especially because I'm a hundred percent certain that you and Perrie will last. So it's actually very beautiful." Jade said smiling.

As an afterthought she added, "Although... that won't stop me from teasing you about it." She smirked.

I shook my head and laughed. Of course it wouldn't.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and hugged me.

"You two just love to have sentimental moments without us don't ya?" Jesy asked smirking while Leigh and Perrie trailed behind her.

"And you three love to interrupt them don't ya?" Jade hummed.

"Careful Jade, Pez might just kill you in your sleep." Leigh chuckled.

"Oh come on you don't seriously believe Beth and I ever had anything going on." Jade stated looking at Perrie.

"Have you two ever kissed?" Perrie asked.

I looked at her narrowing my eyes to make her remember a certain thing I said.

"No." I said pointedly. Her face contorted into one of remembrance and she smiled to herself.

"What are we missing out on, lovebirds?" Leigh asked.

"Nothing." Perrie said. They all looked at us and I sighed and nodded at Perrie so she could tell them.

"I just remembered that I'm actually Beth's first kiss, so Jade couldn't have kissed her." She said.

The three girls awed. By now, all of us were seated on the stage together. We started talking about all kinds of different stuff.

Trust me, we all are able to have the weirdest conversation as if it's the most normal thing ever.

"So if someone dies you would just clean it up with normal cleaning stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah why not? It removes any other bad smell in the house. Why not a dead body?" Jesy asked.

"Well for one, the smell of blood isn't that easily removed, and second how much would you plan on using?" I asked.

"I don't know. I've never had to clean up a dead body." Jesy shrugged.

"Why do you know so much about that?" Leigh asked looking at me suspiciously.

"Murder documentaries." I shrugged.

"You are so bizarre." Jesy said.

"Hey! Jade is the bizarre one of the group." I crossed my arms.

Perrie smiled and hugged me from behind while we were seated.

Normally I'd be worried how it's perceived, but to people it's normal because our friendship in general is very touchy and so is Perrie. She is someone who loves to hug or hold people's hands. In a non-romantical way.

Finally our sound check started and it all was flawless. Which was very relieving.

Before the show started all my nerves were going wild. Just like usual before any show. I've learned that they are normal and I can't get rid of them.

I shook my body a bit to loosen up and finally Grown started playing.

The show went on as it was planned so it was all perfect. We finished and honestly, seeing the mixers and how they all take their time and spend their money on us? It's THE best thing about this job, beside the four people I work with of course.

We were getting dressed right now and I still can't really look in Perrie's direction anytime we do. I don't know why but it feels very weird to do so.

Most likely because I haven't ever even had any kind of these situations where four breathtaking girls are changing in front of me.

And most likely I only have troubles looking at Perrie because I'm really not ready for that big step yet. I view Jade, Leigh and Jesy as my best friends so I have no trouble looking at them. There wouldn't be any desire.

Not that they aren't beautiful because they are, obviously, but just because I'm in love with Perrie.

I still can't believe I get to be with this beautiful women.

I seriously need to thank Sam one day, I've gotten to know four of the most amazing people and this incredible career.

For the first time in forever I can say I'm proud of myself.

I've survived the death of my entire family, bullying, being poor to the point where we could barely afford food, anorexia and after all of these terrible experiences, I made it out of Fordwich and have made an incredible life for myself. Of course with the assistance of Sam.

Without her I'd be dead. A long time ago.

I have to pay her back someday. Not a money price, but an experience, a holiday with just the two of us. A week away when both of us have time.

Of course I'd have to make sure and see, that I'd also be able to spend time with Perrie before or after the week, but I'm sure it will be no problem. What are phones for right?

I will do that one day, in case we will get any free time soon.

The Fifth Member (Little Mix/Perrie Edwards GxG)Where stories live. Discover now