"Cabir we had planned everything. This can't happen." i shrugged Cabir by his shoulders.

"She's gone brother. We were too late." he spoke in silence.

I jerked back a little not able to hold myself. Sophia dropped to the floor and Nandini rushed to catch her. Cabir called out my name but i was too numb to react so i did what best i could do. I ran. Ran way too fast and got inside my car leaving the place.


So here i was in the room i prepared for my parents specifically my mother with all the memories i had of her. I had kept this room a secret from everyone around me and never dared to open it thinking that i would melt down from the hatred i had formed for here but here i was after everything that had happened in my life. I was finally going to have my family back but it got snatched away again. She left me again like she did all those years back.

I grabbed my baseball bat that she once got me and smatched the glass infront of me breaking it into the pieces that i was in bit by bit cutting the feelings down. I grabbed the bat holding it firm in my hand smashing anything and everything that came in my site. When the enitre damage was done i swept down on the floor, sitting on the pile of glasses from the broken stuff picking up the family portrait that once was all that i wanted and tore it down from the middle tearing myself apart from the happy picture.

I was left alone again. This was my destiny.


A month later.

It had been a month since Manik had moved out of that room. Exactly a month ago he had ran away from his mother's place and locked himself inside. He hadn't even got out of that room for the funeral where i stood by Sofia's side at all times. Our friends by now knew everything that happened between us since i couldn't hold in any longer. I had cried and begged for him to ope the door but he won't.

Two weeks back he had asked for his laptop in the room and now worked effortlessly from that doomed four wall space while Cabir attended the meetings on his behalf. The work wasn't stopped or shut but our relationship did. He refused to meet me and left me just like that. I had been here waiting for him for a month now knocking on his door to let me in for once.

About Sofia, she was coping up with the thought of loosing both her parents. On Manik's order she was shifted to his mansion where i never left her side. She was a part of our group now and we made sure that she knew that. Mukti protected her while Navya was her support now. 

"Manik please let me in." i requested for the millionth time in a month but got no reply so i turned to leave to come over the next day when i heard the click of the door knob move.

Turning around i came face to face with the man i fell in love with but he looked different. His stubble was darker than it was before and his demenor was that of an armor. It was his eyes that scared me, his eyes were cold and emotionless. He strided past me to his room that was in the opposite direction leaving me in daze. He did not come closer to me, not even a word from him and left me just like that.

My anger boiled to its maximum, i know he was in pain and i was supposed to understand him but this was enough. This neglection from him was killing me. I stomped behind him into him room where he was looking through some files on his table.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" i shouted on top of my voice and he turned around facing me but said no word.

"I know you're hurting but atleast talk to me. I had been begging you to open the door and let me in. Look Manik i am scared for you, i can't leave you please just talk to me." i spoke with a lower voice than before taking slow steps towards him.

"I never asked you to wait for me." he spoke and i stopped. Wait what-. Here i was crying my heart out for him and he didn't even care.

"Excuse me." i replied in shock of his words.

"You heard me. Don't play that act. I never asked you to wait for me. I am fine and i don't need you." he spoke texting someone on his phone . His this behaviour was enough to break my last straw as i flipped his phone on the bed.

"You fucking out of your mind. I waited for you because i care about you. And you don't even care." i spoke.

"Was i supposed to care?" he shrugged, " I mean come on, it wasnt like we were serious." he replied like a cold man, the man he actually was and i never saw.

"You've got to be kidding me. Look i know you're hurting but just please don't do this." i kept my palm on his cheek.

"I am not Nandini. I am okay. And i thought you understood it's over. It was over a month back. It was all fun with you but you know i don't do relationships. Just get over it." he shrugged my hand pushing me away and i lost it. I lost it so bad that i slapped him hard.

"Yeah you deserve that. I can't believe that i ever trusted a jerk like you." i shouted moving back.

"You know what. You were right. You were always supposed to stay alone. I was an idiot to ever think that you deserved happines. Good bye Malhotra." i snapped and walked away from him.

This time forever. It was over.


I would really appreciate a few more comments and interaction from you guys. In all the chaos of my home i am still writing and posting and i think i deserve some words from others as well.

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