38 - First Day of School

Start from the beginning

"Ugh It hurts though" he complained.
"It only hurts when it suits you" I knew him too well to fall for his tricks.

"Now get changed, you better be out here in 10 minutes" I ordered, returning back to my bossy self. I left the room and slammed the door shut.

I heard him cuss and then I heard the sound of the duvet being thrown around.
If it really did hurt than he wouldn't be swinging it around like a lunatic.

He came out about 5 minutes later looking an absolute mess. He was wearing a steely blue shirt with black shorts and as he was walking he pulled a faded white hoodie ontop.

"You look like a mess" I stated
"Thankyou Kie" he responded with his famous eye roll.

"Your looking very spiffy yourself" he just managed to say, choking back his laughs.

"Why is that so funny?" I asked
"Oh, It just brings back a memory" he chuckled

"Right..." I said in a confused tone.

"Nice bag though" he randomly commented
"Its the same one I had last year you dumbass"


My backpack was plain black with a green string going across, and a turtle printed on the corner. Of course


"We have to go now, come on" I said dragging him out the house
"But I'm starvingg" he protested.

"Yes I know, but we don't have any food right now so we'll have to go shopping later, okay?" I explained to him as if he was a toddler.

I just realised that I don't have any money. Shit, how could I remember everything else apart from the damn money.

"How am I supposed to last a whole day without any food? I'm a growing man, Kie"

"Pfftt, your still a baby. And I'm sure that Pope will bring some food"

He huffed and folded his arms but didn't argue any further.

What would've been a 30 minute walk was reduced down to 20 just by speed walking.

JJ slowed down slightly as we were walking past the town.

"JJ...no" I warned. But he ignored me and broke away sprinting, into the small corner shop.

"Don't do do this! We don't even have enough time!" I called out after him.

He can't be doing this now, not when we're so close to the school. Just 5 more minutes and we would've been there.

I didn't want to hang around incase he got caught stealing so I kept on walking in a slow pace, hoping he would catch up soon enough. About a minute later I heard heavy footsteps running behind me.

"Run Kie, go go go!" JJ yelled, speeding straight past me.

"What the hell!?" I shouted, running after him. I took a quick glance back and saw the shopkeeper chasing us.


We turned a few corners and slowed down once we were sure he wasn't following us anymore.

"What the fuck are you playing at!" I said breathlessly, slapping his arm.

"I got us food" he replied proudly, and stuck his hand up his hoodie and pulled out a massive pack of strawberries.

"You did all that just for strawberries!?" I exclaimed in disbelief


"Out of all the things you could've taken you took fucking strawberries?"

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