Coming through like An Savoir

Start from the beginning

He chuckled, "I'm fine. You know I'm older than you." He stocked out his tongue as he 'flexed' his muscles, "I'm stronger."

I puffed out my cheeks, pouting, "Your only 13 days, 45 minutes, and 5 seconds older than me. Stop acting like you're superior." I frowned as I could push myself up, "Also could you help me?"

He smiled, "Says the one that told me they could do it by themselves." But either way, he picked me up, walking to a chair with me in his arms, "See, I'm strong."

I shook my head, "You act like a child. You're 16 for god sake."

He glanced up at me, placing his hand on my head. Ruffling up my hair with a smile.

"I'm just trying to get the best out of my childhood, babe."

I shook my hand. Gripping onto his wrist before releasing his arm. Making it fall back to his side. He just looked at me with pity. Standing up with a groan, he glanced down at me. Stuffing his hands back into his pockets. I turned around as I rested my head on the table. Things were getting very boring. As I was trapped in a room with my ex. I stared out of the window, searching for the moon. Hoping that that would cure my boredom.

"I'm sorry."

I raised a brow, eyes still trained onto the sky. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing." He paused, "I just wanted to say sorry. For the things, I did and am going to do."

I hummed. Smiling when I finally found the moon. It lit up the sky, the clouds suddenly faded showing the glowing ball of light. It was the only thing that was in the sky. Just the moon. Alone. Like me.

"Do you really mean it?"

I turned around to the male. His eyes flickered to me, then to the floor in shame. I viewed as a wave of emotion flashed through his eyes. But it was gone before it could even start. He looked upset as he sat there. He was always very quiet when he thinks about something. Sometimes too quiet for my taste. But I waited, trying to not pressure him.

"I do." He smiled sadly, "But I think it's already too late for me to say that." He reflects back, concentrating on his thoughts, "I knew that I should have done it years ago. Even so, was too scared to say so." He hummed dolefully, "I wanted to save my pride."

I chuckled wistfully, "I would say you were late. Nevertheless, you still said it. Didn't you?"

He nodded in agreement, "I guess."

We sat there in silence. I just stared out of the window, wondering what Hawks was doing right now. Well, I didn't even have to honk about it because I spotted him through the window. He looked like he was having fun kicking ass. I observed him quietly. He swiftly knocked people out, allowing other people in.

I squinted my eyes, looking at the three people. They were all dressed in the same attire. Suit, sunglasses and a tie. I watch as they ran in. Realizing that they were Hizashi, Nerumi, and Shota. I internally facepalmed myself as I watched them weave through the maze of unconscious bodies.

What amazes me still was that hey was no camera crews anywhere. Like the news had never existed in the world. I smiled still wondering how they achieved this unreachable fleet. Hawks stood there, blocking the entrance. I then spotted more people down there. Especially Stanley, he really did stand out, blame his flashy quirk. You could basically see him from a mile away. And there was also Asher who was around the perimeter checking on everyone if they needed backup.

There were also a lot of other local heroes out there. All of them I knew from my partnerships or business meetings. It looked like a whole ass battlefield out there-no. It was a whole ass battlefield out there. I smiled, knowing that they would get up here at no time.

Merikh watched me as I smiled. Getting curious too, he glanced out the closest window near him. Just to find out that he was under attack. He groaned walking up to me. Grabbing my hand. I shrugged as he pulled me to the doorway. Probably to get me out of here and follow Stephine's words to always keep his eyes on me. Which he totally did fail when he glanced at the ground minutes ago.

I dug the heel of my foot onto the ground. Slowly him down. I then went limp, making him look at me with frustration. I smiled as he came over to pick me up. Purposely flinging my arms around, sometimes smacking him on the face. It felt good to smack someone. He groaned as he dragged me over to the door.

"You can do it Merikh! It's only a few yards away!" I cheered for him, not putting much enthusiasm in my voice, "Come on dude! I thought you go to the gym every day. You can't even drag me to the door now?" I smirked, "What a liar."

"Could you quit it?!" He scowled.

I then smacked him in the face again, rolling my eyes. "Stop what? Telling the truth? I bought we had discussed this when we're in first grade. No more lying."

"I swear [Y/N]. If you keep talking I'll actually knock you out."

I smiled, "As I said hours ago. You won't." I glanced up at him, getting a brow of his blond hair, "Pussy."

"That's it." He dropped me onto the floor, "Shut your trap. Then maybe we could get out of here."

I hummed as I rolled around on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum. Staring at me in confusion, he tried to pick me up again. Yea. That didn't happen. I kicked his kneecaps and he fell onto the ground next to me. He recovered in a few seconds. Honestly surprising me.

"Let's go. "He yanked me up, "We got to get out of here."

I smiled at him sweetly, "You're too late, love."

I winked at him, pushing down a laugh. He furrowed his brows, holding me in his arms. His hues landed on me, glancing down at me in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Someone's coming through like a savior."


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