Useless Bunch Of Suited Males

Start from the beginning

Two guards came up to me. One had a quirk canceling handcuff in his hands. They walked up to me, one harshly forced my hands to my back. Another cuffed it. And I allowed them to do their talking. I was honestly bored. I thought getting taken away was more fun than this. I did not struggle as they pushed me off a chair. I almost forgot that I was a hero. Felt like I was being treated like a criminal. I yawned as they huddled around me.

"Boys. Don't do any of that. We can just hold the meeting here."

I immediately recognized the owner of the voice. I stared at Stephine as she stared back at me with a creepy smile on her face. I walked past one of the guards as they try to object. Bumping my shoulders against his. He growled and glared at me. I shrugged and head-butted him. He yelled before he passed out in front of me. It left a burning feeling on my forehead from the force I used to smash our heads together. But I stayed calm as the guards walked up to me. Pushing me around like I was a caged animal.

"Don't treat her so harshly!" She shouted. I smirked as all the pushing stopped and people backed up. "She's still a prized possession after all."

"Never mind. Can you continue to beat me up? I want you to stop, only when I'm dead."

I cringed as the words 'prized possession' fell out of that old woman's mouth. Like I was a cherished thing that she could display to people. But they ignored me. Stephine picked me off from the ground. Digging her nasty long nails into my skin. I bit on my tongue as she dug her nails into my flesh. I could already see the blood flowing out of the wound. But remained unfazed. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me suffer beneath her. It had already happened too many times for me to count.

In the corner of my eyes, I spotted the chicken brain. Quietly watching from afar. I didn't blame him for saving me, though. This might have brought up some of his past trauma. He was also a commission's kid. I choked down a pained yelp as she pulled out her nails. The blood leaked out, like a spilled wax candle. Frowning, I obeyed and followed the women to the elevator. Four of her guards joined us for precaution.

I guess they thought I was going to escape. Even though I obediently let them handcuff me. I don't know how society works anymore. I watched as she pressed the button to the ninth floor, just the one below the top floor. The floor that I usually use for business meetings. At least she wasn't doing this in my office. I tapped my feet against the carpet as the elevator music played. Not going to lie. It was very stuffy in here. Or maybe it's the tension that's filling up this room.

They all looked like they were not up for any small talk. So, I tried to make small talk.

"How you guys doing." I felt their gaze land on me, "What did you guys eat from lunch? Ah! Did you guys eat dinner yet? Cause I know a good place to go to."

They glanced at Stephine. With the looks on their faces, I knew they were questioning my behavior. When the elderly lady did not answer them. They just shook me off and went back to their business. I just stared holes through their backs. Pressuring them to answer my question. Eventually, I broke one of them. It was like snatching candy from a baby.

"I had dinner-"

"Quiet!" Stephine yelled, "Don't you guys know how to ignore people. Do I have to teach you that too?!"

I watched them tense up. Straightening their posture as she eyed each one of them. Unfazed by how they tremble under her gaze. They scream, 'No, Ma'am' in unison as they stood quietly in their place. I rolled my eyes.

Well, there goes all my fun. At least I provoked the women.

With a ding, we stepped off of the elevator. I followed the women from behind, having one guard next to both of my sides and two hanging out behind me. She walked into the room, situating herself onto the chair. I cocked a brow as she told me to sit down before her. But I did. Sitting down on the comfy chair, my legs were rather tired. I glanced back at the four guards. They were all standing by the door with their hands on their sides. All avoiding my gaze.

"Take off her handcuffs."

I was delighted and entertained now. I wonder what she's going to need from me. I kept a stoic face as I heard a click. Meaning that the handcuff was now unlocked. I stretched my back, almost yawning from my exhaustion. I did jump over multiple buildings today. I wonder how tired Aizawa felt when he had to teach and do his night shift. The thought really did make me appreciate his work ethic.

"Do you know why you are here?"

I frowned, messaging my wrist. Which were red from how tight they had tightened it onto me. Shrugging, I propped my hand onto the table with a smirk.

"Don't know." I hummed, "Maybe I scared your ass off last time. And you now want revenge."

She frowned, "Shut your mouth before I slap a piece of duct tape onto it."

"Where are you going to get the duct tape from?" I glanced around. Sensing her frustration right away as I spoke, "Don't tell me you have servants for that too? If you do, could you order me some Mcdonalds?"

"I'm not you mom."

"You should have said that last time. Maybe you shouldn't have told me that you took care of me." I smiled, tapping my feet against the ground. "You're an iPad kid, you know?"

She groaned, "The reason why I called you out here tonight is to tell you something."

"And what could that be?"

"Ma'am, are we going to tell her the car crash accident? Cause didn't you say that we had to keep our mouth shut?"

"Ma'am, are we going to tell her the car crash accident? Cause didn't you say that we had to keep our mouth shut?"

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