"Aro?"  I ask. They took too long.

"He has Telepathic abilities. He can become a mind reader if he continues to practice developing it. Magnifico!"  Aro explained excitedly and very dramatic of course he is Aro.

"You have a family that is gifted Cara Mia."  Marcus said.

I could see that the Coven was shocked again at hearing Marcus's voice.  He shouldn't speak and look half dead.  That's what they probably thought because when I dreamed about them that's what I thought.

But now he is much more alive.

Aro realized their curiosity and started getting to know me with the Denali Coven.

"Introducing Rexanne Swan she is our mate and your Queen. She will be transformed in a few months I hope you will respect her."  Aro's words emphasized the word 'our Mate'.

I opened my robe to reveal my face.  I can see Laurent's eyes go wide.  I smiled at him.

"Hi Laurent, long time no see," I greeted him.  They were all shocked and looked at Laurent as if asking when he met me.

"It's nice to meet you my queen and thank you for saving me from the pack."  He said bowing to me.

"Yeah you really have to thank me because I helped you even when you tried to kill my sister."  I said, grinning at him.

Their pupils widened and they gasped again, it seemed like something was being dishonest.  Irina seemed to want to ask Laurent but was interrupted by Aro.

"Can you try to find out someone's abilities while still a human?"  Aro asked.

"I've never tried it." Said Eleazar.

"Why not try it on your queen."  Ask Aro.

Eleazar looked at me then tried to identify my strength.  He looked flabbergasted, maybe he saw Caius's too.  So does giving out the gift mean an additional gift or just a gift belonging to Clara?

We just have to wait for it.

"The queen has the telekinesis ability and the power to dispel her sense of existence. If you try to practice you can eliminate the aura of those around you. You can also manipulate gravity."  He said with a look of admiration.

"I can also feel your gifts that you share with master Caius and Aro. I've never found anything like this before."  He continued, still amazed.

I smiled a little at his amazement.  I look closely at Kate, should I tell her about Garret?

Maybe I'll tell her.

But later.

~ * ~

After that meeting I sat with them in the same room when I met Devian.  I looked at them closely, I'm sure they are not comfortable visiting here.  Especially after the tragedy.

"I'm Rexanne, you can call me Rexa. Alice told me about her cousin who lives in Alaska. I'm sure it's you are."  I said.

They still doubt me too a little afraid maybe?  Lions are afraid of lamb, LoL.

"Nice to meet you my queen."  Said Tanya.

"Just call me Rexa when it's just you and your Coven."  I said.

Queen sounds too formal.  And I feel old.  Even though I am mentally old.

"Sure Rexa."

"By the way, how painful is your electric shock?"  I asked Kate she looks really good in the movie.

Their face was shocked again.  Why do they always do that?

"Uuhm some say that it hurts a lot, I hope you don't think about trying it. It will end very badly."  She replied nervously.

"Of course just asking."  I said.  Actually trying it might be interesting but it will hurt so badly that even a vampire is seriously injured let alone a human.

"How do you know the Cullens?"  Carmen asked me and Wendy who was near me.

"Eddy boy is dating my sister. And yeah he managed to get us into a lot of trouble. And maybe the reason I met them." I was getting annoyed thinking about Edward again.

"Better not talk about him. Tell me how you guys came up with a succubus legend!"  I exclaimed excitedly.  Wendy beside me was just as excited.

It will be very exciting to hear their story.  They're cool why didn't Stephanie Meyer make books for figures like the Volturi or Denali?

Irina looks a little uncomfortable but who cares?  I'm sure she's just nervous because hers mate have tried to injure the Queen.

They tell me almost everything, it's really fun.  Their sex adventure.  But they missed the story about the reason they did this, their deep sorrow at the death of their creator to the immortal child.

Uh I'm sorry for them.

"Didn't Laurent tell you when he went to the forks?" I asked, remembering them about the Laurent problem.  They realized that they had forgotten to ask Laurent for an explanation.

"Oh and when we met him eyes were red, it looked good."  I continued.  While holding back the laughter trying to burst out of me.  I can not stand.

"Um looks like you guys need privacy I'll be out to see you everyone."

Wendy and I left the room with guffaw.  Before I could go anywhere else I felt tremendous nausea.  I teleported to my room immediately.

I squat in front of the toilet to remove all my guts.  This nausea is so bad.  I can feel Wendy's hand on my neck and clutching my hair so as not to get hit by my vomit. The pain in my throat made me whine lightly. This feels bad.

"Are u okey?"  She asked me.

"Yea-" before I could continue my stomach was sick again and I couldn't help but vomit.

Wait a minute, I just got sick.  I have no stomach problems, this has never happened before.  Impossible.  And the strange movement inside, it was a sign of something.

No way, am I pregnant ?!

~ * ~
What do you think about this? I hope do you like it
I have uploaded this in fanfiction.com too

Btw thanks for vote and Comment my fanfic, this is my first Fanfic I write and publish and i never expect That many people will read it..
So thank you for all.

So thank you for all

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