Chapter Eighty Two- Analogy Of A Woman

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Once Stiles had messaged them, the party erupted. Scotts lacrosse team showed up, due to their captain almost threatening them but seemed to be having a good time. Stiles stood leaning on a pillar talking to Scott as Rosie came over with 3 cups of punch which smelled weird but Rosie knew that Lydia wanted the most people to get drunk tonight.

"Here you go." She handed them to the boys who took them willingly, though neither took a drink first. As she placed herself within the conversation, Rosie looked to Allison and saw that she looked sort of saddened or upset. "Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?"

"Why should I apologize?"

"Because you're the guy, its what we do." Stiles agreed with Rosie and joined in with his girl, attempting to help Scott and Allison's relationship.

"But I didn't do anything wrong." To this, Rosie and Stiles conjoined their laughter at their clueless best friend.

"Then you should definitely apologize. See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means hes definitely done something wrong." Rosie was surprised with Stiles skills to understand women and how men lack that ability due to their blindness.

"I'm not apologizing." Defensive, Scott stated with a hint of anger in his voice as he looked into the pool which was beside him, staring at his own frustrated expression.

"Is that the full moon talking, Scott?" His sister placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down and not end up like one of the bad nights which they had had previously with Scott and the full moon, i.e when Scott ran away.

"Probably." Finally, Scott took responsibility and realized his sister was right and that he needed to calm down. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because Scott, somethings gotta go right here. For you at least." Subconsciously, Stiles looked at Rosie and hinted at a smile on his face before returning to look down to Scott. "I mean, we are getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. And if on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, trust me I know how it feels. I'm gonna stab myself in the face."

"Don't stab yourself in the face." Scott stood up from his seated position and leveled with Rosie and Scott, changing his angered tone to a serious one.

"Why not?"

"Because Jacksons here." The trio all looked to see Jackson walk into the garden part of the party, face like stone until Lydia greeted him with some punch.

"That's my cue." Rosie said before downing her punch to ease her nerves, which she cringed at because of how the drink tasted. Stiles nodded and joined her in drinking his punch. "I'm gonna go get another drink."

As she walked of, Scott nodded to Stiles, indicating that it was okay for him to follow her, not caring that he would be left alone as he saw Stiles itching to go after her. Following after her Stiles tried to act casual as he approached her from behind.

"You look nice tonight." HE complimented, something that came easy to him when speaking to Rosie.

"Thanks, I thought black wouldn't show the blood of my friends since I guessed Jackson was gonna be here." She focused on picking up the drinks as she faced away from him, trying to put up a front that she wasn't shaking inside.

"Hey, nothings gonna happen tonight." Stiles tried to reassure her as well as changing the subject, while turning her around by holding her hand. "Do you want to go sit down somewhere?"

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