Chapter Seventy Four- Junk

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After hearing that she missed the opportunity to pretend to read books as Scott, Stiles and Allison looked through the translation of the bestiary, courtesy of Lydia, Rosie decided to follow Jackson and his suspicious movements. As her shoes were creating noises along the corridor floor, she took them off so she wasn't able to be heard from behind him, especially after receiving a restraining order from him.

She watched him walk down an empty corridor alone, stop door a second as if checking if someone was following him, before going into an empty room. Rosie waited a second before turning the corner and walking towards the room.

Just as she was about to peer into the boys changing room, Matt came out and made her jump, although she too had made him jump in the process. Once he saw who it was, he calmed himself and chuckled.

"You just scared the hell out of me."

"Sorry...I was just, um, I was..." In attempts to try and not act suspicious, Rosie immediately failed as she began to sound awkward and tried to laugh it off. "Nothing."

"Huh. That's a... Nice heels." Matt said, directing to the shoes which were in Rosies hands, due to not wanting to make a noise when she was creeping.

"Oh. Yeah, uh, my feet were hurting so I took them off." Strategically she replied, putting her shoes back on her feet like a normal person, although her behavior directed her away from normal.

"Same reason I never wear mine." He joked and although it wasn't a very good joke, Rosie laughed loudly in order to get out of the conversation. "Hey, did you hear about the underground show? Apparently they've got some big name spinning."

"Oh, you mean like a rave?"

"Well, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party." Looking at the girl In front of him, he saw that she was losing interest and found more interest in the contents behind the door beside them. "But hey, i've got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?"

"Yeah. Yeah, great." Rosie replied, not knowing what she was actually getting into as she was more focused on finding and following Jackson.

"Yeah?" Matt was shocked that she had actually agreed to It and had to question her as he knew her focus wasn't fully on him. "All right, cool. Um... Its Friday, so, looking forward to it. See you at tutoring."

Only just realizing what she had just agreed to, she rolled her eyes as she leant her head back on the wall. That was until she heard Jackson grunting from inside the changing rooms. Although the boys, and the restraining order, had told her to stay away from him, Rosie entered the changing rooms without a fear to hold her back.

"Jackson! Look I'm only here to see if you're alright because i heard... some noises." Although she was pushing her restrictions, she walked further into the changing rooms.

"In here." He called back to her, although she expected more or a 'Get out' or something filled with anger. His voice acme from the showers, and Rosie hesitated before walking in to them, finding Jackson fully naked, as if waiting for her. "Is something wrong?"

"You could've warned me." Rosie said, back to him so she didn't see anymore of his junk.

"Could have warned me about kidnapping me. Plus, you're the one that walked into the boys' locker room." The water by his feet splashed as he walked towards her, menacingly.

"Look i know it's against the rules of the restraining order but i thought i heard you... forget it."

"Did you wanna talk about something?" As he moved further round the corner, still naked, Rosie turned further away from him, not letting herself face him.

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