Chapter Thirty Three- Out of the bag

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Rosie did in fact not go with Scott and Stiles to Allisons aunts funeral but was given updates constantly by Scott. Stiles got the hint that she still wasn't talking to him when she didn't agree to a lift home and instead walked. The walk was good for her, it helped her shape her life into order and clear her mind.

She walked with more of a spring in her step as there was a high chance that she was in fact, not a werewolf but the miraculously healed begged to differ. But often, that happiness in the way she walked faded into the unanswered questions in her mind. This meant there was still a chance that she was one but would have to ask Deaton for help as Derek was no longer on the table.

At home she fidgeted about as she desired to continue looking for her best friend but knew that it was no use because she knew she couldn't do it alone. Even if she did go out alone, it would not be worth the worry given to those around her. Even more worry upon them with Lydia missing.

As she lay on her back, staring at the ceiling she thought about what Stiles had mentioned to her at the detention which turned out to last longer than an hour. He had said he would be going out looking for Lydia and Rosie knew that he could do with a helping hand so she messaged him.

Within seconds he replied back saying he was on his way to pick her up. This wasn't her dropping all of her anger but was her pushing it to the side in aid of finding her best friend before she caught hypothermia.

Rosie was already dressed so she went downstairs as she waited for the familiar blue jeep to come into view. She heard its wheels skid across the street before she saw it. After closing the door behind her, she walked over to the jeep and was greeted by an over exaggerative smile from Stiles, which she did not return. He once again took the hint.

The two drove around to the forest but this time went further away from the Hale house and closer to the street. They stayed seated in silence as they embarked their mission and waited for the other to make the first move of getting out the car. It was Rosie.

She walked into the forest, shining one of Stiles' dads flashlights deep into the forest. From behind her she heard the door of the car slamming, indicating Stiles entry into the forest too. He followed her further into the woods and stopped when they were in the centre of a clearing.

"We will find out why you healed, okay? And how you healed.  Its going to be fine."

Rosie wandered around in silence, not replying to Stiles, as she peaked through the distances between the tall, swaying trees. Her lip quivered as she shivered in the blistering cold. Normally she would not have come out tonight but because her best friends life was on the line, she needed to.

"Why did you have that feeling that she was in here the other day?" He attempted at trying a different route to get her to talk but she just shrugged her shoulders and turned away from him.

In his pocket, Stiles' radio which he stole from his father started going off. It coded an attack on an ambulance but Stiles did not want Rosie to hear as she had not heard about Lydia taking the liver, so he turned it off furiously.

"So that's that then, you're just not going to talk to me." The nasty side of Stiles came out as the two were alone and he could vent his anger and frustration to her. "Its just..."

"Pathetic?" Finally she spoke to him, but only with one word.  The word was an unspoken memory shared between the two of when Stiles lost it on Rosie and the two did not speak. Just like now.

"You know I said I was sorry about that. I didn't mean it. I was just-"

"Caught up in the moment? Yeah I know. Was you caught up in the moment when you left me lying in that field? Oh not just me, Lydia too." She finally turned around and looked at him with angry tears pooling in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Do you really think that I would leave you there if it meant you would die? You know Peter threatened me, he threatened to kill you. Both of you. So don't you dare say I left you." Stiles bickered back, raising his voice and waving his arms around aimlessly in frustration.

"Maybe I was just pathetic then." Moving her feet, she turned to no longer face him and went to dow hat they actually came here to do.

"Speaking of pathetic, wheres Sam tonight? Hmm? Maybe putting some more girls on his list I bet."

"Stiles he may be a dick but he saved my life." She bit back as she stopped walking and turned to face him once more.

"Oh yeah, you're hero." Stiles now began to shout as he became more and more provoked. "You're hero who wouldn't have known about you almost dying if it weren't for me. You're hero who put you on a list just so he could sleep with you and never talk to you again. You're hero-"

"Well you know what? You should have let me die on that field. Maybe then everyone could see how much of a coward you are. If that's how you feel about someone who got me to the hospital, helping me to hold onto my life, then whats the point in saving me in the first place. Would have caused you less hassle." Enraged Rosie insulted him but he did not back down, instead he pushed further and further, irritating her more.

"If that's what you think, then why am I here?"

"What?" The girl nastily laughed through her nose, shaking her head.

"You called me. Why are you not here with Sam? Huh? You're hero, where is he tonight? Because hes not here is he?" Stiles began walking back out of the forest as he saw sirens turn up but wanted to let it all out first. He continued as he had his back to Rosie. "Why don't you do what everyone does around here and not listen to Stiles? Why don't you get with Sam? Hmm? Why not?"

"Because hes not you!"

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