Chapter Ten- Magic Bullet

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"If Dereks not the alpha who bit you, then who did?" Rosie now looked up from her notebook to engage in the conversation started by Stiles concerning her brother as she sat beside Stiles.

"I don't know."

"Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" She then asked as she entered the conversation making Stiles faintly smile at her.

"I don't know."

"Does Allisons dad know about the-"

"I don't know." Scott repeated loudly making both Rosie and Stiles sit back in their seats. Since last night, Rosie had joined the two boys again in her attempt to dodge Sam until she graduates. With Stiles it had been awkward at first but that phase has sort of faded.

The teacher of the class walked around and gave each student their grade for the recent test. On Stiles' paper it said A but on Scotts it had a D-. Over his shoulder Stiles peered and saw his grade.

"Dude you need to study more." Scott moved his paper around angrily. "That was a joke. Scott its one test. You're gonna make it up."

Scott then covered his grade with his notebook as he turned to his sister who was looking at her own grade. "What did you get?"

She then held up the paper which was graded an E which was worse than Scott. The paper was covered in red writing indicating things like that she needs to study more or things that she should work on.

"Great so im friends with a pair of dunces. Do you want help studying?"

"Youd actually do that?" Rosie said as the corners of her mouth lifted.

"Yeah im a cool nice guy. What about tonight, your place? Scott do you want help studying?"

"Im studying with Allison after school today." Making Stiles raise his eyebrows.

"That's my boy."

"We're just studying."

"Uh no your not." Rosie had now become extremely  confused as to what Stiles was on about.

"No im not?"

"Not if im forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that collossal opportunity, I swear to God I will have you de-balled."  Stiles finished and caught a breath.

"But theyre studying, Scott said it himself."

"Oh no one just studies with a girl, trust me." Once he realized what he said his smile dropped as he turned to Scott who was laughing.

"Well Stiles what are doing tonight then?" She teased. This made both of them realize they are back to normal, back to best friends.

"Uh um I meant for people in relationships like Scott and Allison." He stuttered.

"Oh shame for us then. We'll just go from school yeah back to mine."


Once school had finished Rosie and Stiles walked out from the last class of the day heading towards the blue jeep. As they walked they were speaking as if their little mishap had never occurred and they were just like before. Stiles began driving out of the car park when he had to make a sudden stop as Derek had walked out in front of the car. He put his arm out in front of Rosie so she didn't get jolted forward. Derek looked pale as a sheet and slowly fell to the ground in front of the car.

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