Chapter Thirty Seven- Chlorine

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Scotts head snapped in the direction of his sister after Gerard's inquiry. He looked at her with panic as she nodded and turned back around, re-entering the gloomy office of the ancient werewolf hunter. Stiles also followed her movement back into the room and watched her, once again, sit opposite Gerard.

"Thanks boys. You can go now. Don't want to see that you were late for your next class do we? And no wandering outside. Go on." He ushered the boys away as Rosie took one last look at them with fear permeating through her facial expression. Scott closed the door behind him and began walking calmly away, without making a scene.

"Can you hear what hes saying?"

"Im trying but-" The bell rang and shut out any chance of hearing the conversation in the principals office as students flooded the corridors and erupted into various conversations. "I cant hear it no more. Its too hard."

"Do you think he-"

"Think she's a werewolf? Yeah." He answered himself while he and Stiles became anxious.

"He wouldn't hurt her on school property, would he?" Stiles ran his hand over his little hair as he felt a panic attack reaching up to him. Taking deep breathes he tried thinking of better things to stop it but those better things included Rosie. And right now, Rosie, a suspected werewolf, is in a room with a werewolf hunter.

"Stiles, I watched him slice an omega in half. With a sword. Plus, tonights a full moon. They would do anything to stop a werewolf." His fist collided with the locker beside him, which dented at his touch. All around him, the eyes of the students were on him. Stiles dragged Scott into their english class and sat down with their legs bouncing up and down.

"Scott, nothings gonna happen though right? Scott you're the optimistic one. Tell me nothings gonna happen." Aggressively, Stiles bit his nails as the teacher at the front began to talk.

"I uh- I don't know." Suddenly there was a piercing sound erupting in Scotts ear making him wince in pain but hide it carefully from those around him.

"What, whats wrong? Is it Rosie?"

"I don't know but cant you hear that?" He said through gritted teeth as the sound dug deeper and sharper.

"Hear what?"

The sound then stopped, making Scott try and catch his breath back. Something was telling him that it was Gerard's doing and that it had something to do with finding out if she was a werewolf or not. At the front of the classroom, the door creaked open slowly.

Stiles' head whipped around at the sudden entrance of someone into the classroom. At the door Rosie stood uncomfortably as now everyones attention was on her and her being late.

"Sorry I was at the principals office." The teacher nodded and ushered her to be seated. She went and took the seat beside Scott and diagonal to Stiles. Once seated the boys expected her to say what happened but she didn't, instead she sat in silence looking down at the paper in front of her.

"So... what happened?" Rosie turned around looking bewildered, scaring the boys.

"I don't really know. He said that I... needed a tutor. After school, I have to be tutored by Matt. "

"Wait is that it? What about the noise?" Scott asked as he massaged his temples after the excruciating pain from the sound.

"Noise?" Her mind pondered and went back to a few minutes ago when she was in Gerard's office. "He pulled something out of his bag and switched it on. The light was bright but it didn't make me pull my eyes away from it. Gerard didn't hurt me. But I think that thing was a way of weakening me or testing if I was a werewolf."

"Well that's the last time we take either of you to Gerard's office."

"You heard it didn't you?" She asked her brother, ignoring Stiles attempt to brighten things.

"Yeah it was like a migraine but during that migraine I was also getting stabbed in the head. Its got to be something for werewolves."

"It was a test. He knew I was bit." Rosie whispered as she turned back to her desk, loud enough for the boys to hear.

"Did he say anything else or do anything else?"

"That's the weird thing, he did nothing. Except.." Trailing off as she looked at her left hand.

"Except what? What did he do?" Stiles pushed while panicking.

"He passed me a letter about tutoring and... he cut my hand and..." Her head lifted up from her hand and towards the boys again. "And it healed."

"Another test." The werewolf added, locking the worried eyes of his sister. "You cant hear like I do, you didn't shift, you didn't smell that Isaac was a werewolf but you can heal like me. I uh don't know what you are."

"Well neither do i."


The end of the school day came and Rosie wandered the corridors looking for her studying buddy. She had been notified that Scott had gone to Isaacs after watching him get taken by the police. Stiles was also still here but in a detention with his favorite person, Harris. Once they were both finished, Rosie and Stiles would meet up with Scott again to help free Isaac.

"Looking for me?" Matt called out to her from behind her. In his hands were a pile of books to help them study. Once she saw them she tried her hardest to not roll her eyes or yawn animatedly.

"Yeah, I didn't know where I would find you."

"Yeah Mr Argent didn't tell you, did he? We will meet in the library." He moved his arm to usher her to follow him. They walked past Harris' classroom and immediately Rosie felt Stiles' eyes on them through the window. "After you."

Matt held the door open for her and let Rosie enter the library first. She awkwardly sat down on the nearest desk. For her it was rather awkward and uncomfortable because of the fact that two had never really spoken to each other before. The books were then slammed on the table, making her jump a little.

"Sorry about that. So where do you want to start?"

"I um don't really know. Im not very good at things like the periodic table so we could start with that?" She offered, trying to make light of the situation and not make it drag out or be a pointless waste of time.

"Yeah okay." Within the books he had brought to their studying session, he pulled out a book which was specifically for chemistry. While he found a page where the two could work on, Rosie grabbed a pen and paper to prepare to right down stuff.

For the next 45 minutes after first entering the library the two had read through many pages in the textbook Matt provided and had widened Rosies knowledge. He had quizzed her to make the session more fun and not like a boring situation. To Rosie he seemed as if he was nicer than he made himself out to be and was not the person she had made him out to be in her head.

Now she was drawing her own periodic table so she would be able to revise without the textbook and could have a copy all the time. Although it didn't mean that she would.

"Ah I love the smell of chlorine, don't you?" She asked, nostalgic of the times her mother took her and Scott to their swimming lessons. At the mention of chlorine, Matt stiffened up and clenched his fists but Rosie did not see this. "I mean, going swimming every Tuesday after school. I hated back stroke . Did you-"

"Shut up!" Matt shouted, echoing through the library and bouncing of its walls. His clenched fist had slammed onto the table, making Rosie rather terrified at this sudden out burst. He picked up his things, shoving his books in his bag, without saying a word as he put it on his back.

"Look I'm sorry, are you allergic to chlorine or something?" Before exiting the door he stopped.

"Something like that. Don't tell anyone." And he left. Leaving Rosie concerned at the way he reacted so randomly. She too grabbed her things and exited the library, wondering if she would see Matt again that same day.

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