Chapter Nine- Jealousy

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They were now back at the school in the dark. If they were younger and naïve to the supernatural they would feel rebellious coming to the school at this time. Obviously this was not the case as they had to help Scott remember what was happening last night in the bus. Once Stiles turned the car off he began to get out the car with Rosie following behind him although Stiles still hasn't spoke to her since lunch.

"Hey no, just me. You and Rosie need to keep watch."

Stiles looked back at Rosie and then back to Scott before talking. "How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?"

"Because there's 3 of us and Rosie cant be out here alone." He said protectively as he looked at his sister who huffed and then began walking back to the jeep.

"Okay, whys it starting to feel like you're Batman and im Robin. I don't wanna be Robin all the time.

"Nobodys Batman and Robin any of the time. Just go in the car with Rosie. Please." Scott now became irritated.

"Oh my god! Fine." Slowly Stiles walked back to the car as he readied himself for an awkward interaction. As he opened the door he saw Rosie was sat in the passenger seat on her phone.

"Guess we are just going to have to sit back for all of Scotts supernatural situations." To her conversation starter Stiles gave an annoyed 'hm' making Rosie fully turn her body at him. "Whats wrong?"


"Stiles hes not going to do it alone all this time hes going to need your help at some point. Youre not always going to be on watch. Even if you are at least you got me-"

"Excited for your little date." He interrupted patronizingly.

"What? That's what this is about?" Stiles shrugged. "Because you feel left out? Come on, don't be pathetic."

"I'm not being pathetic. Sam's just a dick and I don't like him. He will just use you. You're pathetic going out with him."

Shocked and upset at his words, Rosie then began to leave the jeep in anger but before she left, she said. "Just because you don't like him doesn't mean I can't go out with him. You know why I reluctantly agreed to going out with him? Hm? Because hes the only boy who has ever taken any interest in me. So im sorry for wanting to feel wanted for once." She had now slammed the door with tears brimming at her eyes.

Stiles sat there in the drivers seat of his jeep as he suddenly noticed a security guard walking around the school bus so he immediately bibbed Scott to get of there. As soon as Scotts ass had hit the seat Stiles reversed back.

"Wheres Rosie?" Scott said as he whipped his head around to the back of the jeep.

"She left."

"What? Why did she leave?" He didn't respond. "Stiles what did you say to her?"

As he was running his hand over his hair he then answered the last question. "I called her pathetic for going out with Sam. Then she left."

"Oh Stiles."

The jeep stopped suddenly outside the McCall house as Scott exited the vehicle with Stiles also following him into his home, ready to apologize. Inside it was pitch black inside not looking promising that Rosie was in fact here but Stiles walked up the stairs following his best-friend as they entered her empty room.

"Maybe shes still walking home. It takes longer to walk than drive right?"

"Stiles go home. Shes obviously not here because she doesn't want to speak to you." Scott put his hand on his best friends shoulder. "Look ill talk to her when shes home. Just give her time."

Healing Love- Stiles StilinskiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora