Chapter Eighteen- Deja Vu

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"Hey what happened?" Stiles asked Rosie as he rubbed her back in sympathy.

"I don't know I just keep getting this excruciating pain at the back of my neck. Always in the same place but for no reason." She replied just as confused as he was. Without continuing to interrogate her as he knew he touched a nerve before, he looked over at Jackson who was also effected.

"Whats on the back of your neck?" Jackson slapped Stiles hand away from his neck as he panted and touched it himself. As Lydia pandered over her boyfriend Stiles pulled Rosie away from them. "He has marks like you. But they're horizontal and yours are vertical."

"But what could that mean? It's a contagious thing or what?"

"I don't know. What ever it is, we will figure it out okay?" In response to Stiles, Rosie nodded as she then walked over to a shaking Allison.

"Wheres Scott? He should be back by now."

"Hes going to be okay. Hes my brother I know he will be fine." The door handle clicked as the key turned from the other side. Within seconds Stiles was by Rosies side.

"Scott? Scott?" Scotts girlfriend shouted through the door to him.

"Stop! Stop! Do you guys hear that?" Each person in the classroom stood in silence as they listened for what Lydia was talking about. Sirens. "Listen."

The teenagers ran over to the classroom window as they watched the Sheriffs department pull up in their cars. Rosie and Stiles sighed at each-other as she let her head drop to his shoulder. Finally there was an end to one of the worst nights of her life.


"Are you sure it was Derek Hale?" Sheriff Stilinski asked as he guided the trio out, the rest of them following behind.


"I saw him too." Rosie kept her head down as she had Stilinski's jacket on her shoulders, keeping her warm in the small clothing that she had on.

"What about the janitor?"

"We're still looking-"

"Did you check under the bleachers? Under them?" Scott interrupted but Sheriff shook his head. "Look I'm not making this up."

"I know, I believe you I do."

"No you don't!" He was brave for raising his voice at the sheriff. His twin sister grabbed his arm attempting to make him stop but he just shrugged her off. "You have this look like you feel bad for me. Like you wanna believe me but I know you don't."

"Listen to me. We're gonna search this whole school. We're gonna find him. Okay? I promise." From the distance the sheriff was called and Rosie looked at who was calling him. "Hey Rosie, you're bleeding. Come with me and we will get a look at that. You two. Stay."

The sheriff lead the way to a car and left Rosie in the hands of a member of the department as he went and spoke to the person who had called him. Rosie was seated in the backseat as the man, who's name tag read Ryan, cleaned the wound.

Once he had cleaned it he went back to look at the wound but there was none. It was just dried blood on the back of her neck but no source of the blood.

"Um Rosie is it?" She nodded. "Where did you get the blood from?"

"I had this wound on the back of my neck but I don't know where its from if that's what your asking-"

"No that's the thing, theres no wound. Just dried blood." He looked back at the girl who's mind was racing as she tried to remember where the blood was from and if it actually came from a wound. As her mind wandered she began to experience the familiar pain again but bit her lip as she tried to hide it. "Hey, maybe it was from something else don't worry. Look lets get you back to your friends."

Exiting the car as she looked over to see Scott and Stiles once again in a heated conversation. Without even hearing the conversation she knew that Stiles was looking on the bright side of the situation whereas Scott was the opposite.

"It wants me in its pack. But first I have to get rid of my old pack."

"What do you mean what old pack?" Stiles crossed his arms as Rosie was close enough to hear the conversation but was not acknowledged by either of the boys.

"Allison. Jackson. Lydia. Rosie." He paused. "You."

"The alpha doesn't want to kill us." Rosie butted in finally making the boys look at her.

"It wants me to do it." Silence came between the group. "That's not even the worst part. When he made me shift... I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you." Worryingly he looked at his sister, especially at her neck. "All of you."

"Scott you know you didn't do that right? Look theres no marks anyway. Also don't you think id remember if you attacked me."

"But isn't that the same place you had those marks from that night in the woods." As Scott spoke Stiles crumpled his face together as he knew the denial which was about to come from Rosie.

"Can you two stop for once? I didn't go on your shitty scavenger hunt so stop pretending I did." She began to walk off but then turned around holding her hand out to Stiles who awkwardly went to grab it. "Keys. Im sitting in the car. Ive had enough for one night."

After awkwardly smiling at her and giving her the keys she walked off to the blue jeep, taking her place in the back seat. Resting her head on the side of the window she watched as her brother and best friend spoke to Scotts boss. Slowly her eyes began to close as she fell into a deep sleep.


The light rain trickled on the jeep window as Stiles and Scott had finally got into the car and began to make their way home. In the back seat Rosie was still asleep with the Sheriffs jacket wrapped over her like a blanket.

"Why did she pretend like she wasn't there the night I got bit?"

"I don't know." Stiles looked into the back as he checked on her. "Shes been forgetting a lot lately. Its like the most important things she needs to remember, she forgets."

"What do you think it is?" He looked at the boy driving as sadness struck across Stiles' face. "What is it?"

"Theres this thing called frontotemporal dementia. It's the only type of dementia which effects teenagers."

"But isn't that..." Scott couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. However Stiles did.

"Yeah. That's how my mum died."

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